Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Squank on October 28, 2006, 01:07:09 AM

Title: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 28, 2006, 01:07:09 AM
Ok, this is very simple idea that could change how this game is played. It works like this, You have a 5 billion ship and a 2 billion ship. That you just bought and you do not have any money left over after purchasing marines. Then you do a couple missions and things seem to be going pretty well.

 Then BAM! You hit a killer fleet and lose the 5billion ship and 2billion ship. And since you do not have the money at the moment to replace the ships you are screwed. But here is where my idea comes in. There could be a bank system within the game that could allow you to take out a loan of a certain amount based on your bounty level.  The higher the bounty level the lower the payback intrest. The higher the negative the higher the payback intrest is.

 But then you say well what if you lose your ships again and cannot pay back the loan.  Well it's simple, The first loan you take out you get an item that allows you to replace a lost ship for 15% of the ships value. ANd you are allowed 3 of these each 6 loans. And then the game will automactically take of 30% of your mission income or however much you want the game to take from the missions. 

I've seen it done in other games before and I"ll tell you right now, it gets the players you have more involved in the game and brings more and more players in to stay which means better results for the game. If you still do not know what I am talking about here is an example. And if you do not pay back the loan within the specific days you agreed on they will hammer you with 4%  added intrest each day until it is paid.

    Ship                  Price             Commander level/1     Bounty level/350
 Squank's ship    5,000,000,000

   Loan Percent Intrest     Loan amount      Percent taken from missions     Days
      15%                         5,000,000,000               7%                             10

   And you can tweak these any way you want to, because there can be a selection to choose from with a dropbox included.

   This could also work if your short a few billion for your next upgrade.  The more loans you take out and pay back, The higher your credit score would be. And there can be monthly rewards of Turns/Credits/Segments. Giving to the people with highest credit score.  And best of all you don't need to be a high level to get these rewards.

   This is just a post to see how people will re-act to this idea. I will go into further more detail about it after a week or so.

   Thanks to midnight44 he has also helped in this idea.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: TheMerchant on October 28, 2006, 01:19:11 AM
hmm sounds good and i have seen some thin like this in other games before game too.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: PDJ on October 28, 2006, 01:47:20 AM
Seems a good idea...
You'll get a number of people abusing the system though.  :21:
e.g. I want to bash a guy below my level. I make an alt, haul out max loan, splatter the guy and then delete the alt. No breaking of ToS (no feeding). I think you'd have to eliminate alts. Even without them a certain number of loans will not be repayed, and what with the havoc made by the indebted commander?
I think it's a good idea but it requires serious safety measures to avoid problems...
 :14: PDJ

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on October 28, 2006, 02:40:09 AM
hmm  let me see I want a 9 quit loan.  how about that.  the abuse could be too great. however, you bounty could go up and when you take a lone you loose rep.  since you cant take care of your finances.  thus causing even more problems. but then again if that is so I might actually have someone in the negitive rep I can actually bounty.  I have to think on this.  too many problems.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on October 28, 2006, 04:15:06 AM
What about a max loan? and the higher your commander level is, the higher that max will be ?
So, at start you can take a 10 mill loan with level 0 or sumthing and with cmdr lvl 1 it will be 15 mill or lower or higher, something like that? :)

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 28, 2006, 05:01:13 AM
I see what you guys are trying to say, but there would be of course a max on your loan, it's not like you can go and take out a 600trillion dollar loan, at lvl 2. The idea isn't for that, Just like a real bank loan, you can only take out as much money as your credit is good. You will start out at small loans, millions then billions and perhaps trillions.  But that only after you take out many loans and pay them back on time and with good reputation. And of course there would be a max you could take out according to your commander level as bloody posted before. And as frank said,"however, you bounty could go up and when you take a lone you loose rep." problems will also be cut down to a minimun, I posted this for concerns and problems of fellow players. And will work out ideas, to solve these problems. This is a very excellent idea. It will take some time to put together and alot of effort but it is very possible to do.  But I am willing to give it a lot of my time to see this happen.
 It would make a lot of people more happy. And about the alt problem.  You wouldn't be able to take out a loan till level 15-20.  To start out with, So if someone thought about that. It would take time to build the character up to level 15, and then when you finally do get there the loan will be to small for. it to have any impact on your main character. That would solve the using alts issue. IT would pretty much be starting a whole other player.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on October 28, 2006, 05:20:15 AM
I don't think it should be related to reputation, 'cus of the fact that later in the game when you work with trills, if you just lose 1 ship, your reputation will lower a hell lot, and you will be like -100.000 I just lost 1 ship, and my rep went down with 5000... :sweat
So, maybe with a rep, but another reputation then, but it should be like if you paid it back on time you can get higher loans, and if you didn't paid it back yet, and time is over you get 3 days to pay it back or sumthing, and if you still didn't paid back, he will take workers or ships or segments ??
How 'bout that? :21: I thought of sumthing that might be smart 0o :sweat 0o (not something I could you acturly lol :sweat)

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 28, 2006, 05:35:11 AM
Good point bloody, Perhaps there could be a not bounty reputation but a loan reputation. Your loan reputation would be zero, And since your loan reputation is zero, your max loan would be 5million credits, you pay back the loan on time, and your loan reputation would be 15, then you could take out a 6million credit loan, pay it back, and your loan reputation would be 20, and so on, so that way you pay back your loans on time, and in the long run your loans would be higher and higher, because you would be trusted to pay it back.   ANd again if you have not paid back your loan in the desingnated time, you get a 24hour-96hour deadline to pay it back, depending on the size of the loan. And if the deadline runs out, they would take workers,segs,ships. Or osmething in that matter, worth reason. OR maybe if it's serious enough take down a commander level or to.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Silverthorne on October 28, 2006, 06:06:36 AM
Sounds like a good idea, it would be interesting to see it implemented, hopefully if it is people wont abuse the system.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on October 28, 2006, 06:02:14 PM
I have already thought of a few dozen problems.  I could get rich just taking loans and paying them back with no risk encouthers and stuff.  and in after a few loans in a few days I would be able to take a loan much larger than I could pay back like that get a few super ships and then own the leaders or anyone in my range.  The thought of this is good but I see way too much posibility for abuse.  there would have to be major penelties applied and I say let people be open to bounty by everyone with a positive rep.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 28, 2006, 10:36:39 PM
IF people abuse it that way,  There could be a limit on how many loans you could take out a week or a month, so that way people only take out loans when they really, really needed too. So problem solved.   PLus it's not like you can do 1k loans a day, and pay them all back, a real bank wouldn't allow you to do that. So I would say a maximum loan of 1-2 per day and after hundreds and hundreds of loans are done and paid back. YOu could increase to 3 loans a day, or somewhere in that matter. THis is pssbile guys, just gotta think solutions ofr the problems.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: TheMerchant on October 29, 2006, 01:15:36 AM
well umm any of you guys a banker :21: cause then youd kno how to work this problem out ... prolly make an in game "credit " score haha ...... and soon add taxes to ship lol but seriously id really like thos a i recently lost a 5 Billl ship and miss calulatde the total price of my ships and was frced to buy a 12 and a 5 instead of a 12 and a 10

and what up wiTH THe TH in THis
i figure its gotta doo with THe TH but idk 

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 29, 2006, 04:31:04 AM
I am not a banker, but I know how the banking industry works. And frank you said in a previous post you know dozens of ways people could abuse the system. Give me a list of them. Cause I only came of with 6 ways and I have a solution to them all. But it's people like you who say all these things but never back it up with any real answers. So give me a list of 10 ways that have not already been posted. Cause you say you have dosens. I am setting up a post already an idiot could even get what I am saying. A bank loaning system is what this game needs.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: chicpea on October 29, 2006, 06:11:04 AM
Good idea especialy if u lose a ship or 2, but one slight problem what would happens if the rounds ends before the loans pay back.?


Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 29, 2006, 06:19:11 AM
Very good question Chicpea, Well you could always stop giving loans out when let's say 10 people or so joined d-day. And as stated before, with a certain percentage taken out from each misisons contract, it would increase to half so you would be able to pay it back.

 OR even better, let's say you have 50trillion power. But in the end you still owe the bank 100billion credits. Well for each credit not paid by to the bank it would take 20power for each credit owed. So you'd end up losing 2trillion power. Something in that matter. SO it owuld be absolutely needed to pay back the loan.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 29, 2006, 06:24:59 AM
OR it can even be 100power taken for each credit owed. That way it owuld be dire for you to pay back the loan. Otherwise it could come back and haunt you, by taken you form first to 5th. :( IF you still owed money.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: chicpea on October 29, 2006, 06:26:27 AM
I dont mean to be picky (ok i might be) lol

But What happens if u cant get online for a few days due to network or pc related probs or even holidays and u have a loan will it still take the creds as that could leave u open to losing a ship as u might run out of creds for resupplying marines. This is a great idea but there's a few possible problems that could arrise.


Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: TheDarkness on October 29, 2006, 06:27:51 AM
while were at it with the loans why not offer credit card for all those who want one lol, the loan idea is bad, and has to many holes to even set up, all it will do is give another option for cheaters to cheat more and the taking power idea, nah not fesible like chic said if you go on holiday or your internet goes down your power vanishes through no fault of your own


Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 29, 2006, 06:37:43 AM
Well, maybe it would teach people a lesson to where they cannot take out a loan bigger then what they have to pay. Dosen't need to be credits only, could take workers. Your commander level or some type of segments. Also, like I said before you would have to take out many loans to even affect your power in any significant matter. By that I mean billions of power. And possibly put a 24hour limit, on a loan. Like a nebula when you get attacked you get put aside for 24hours. And if you took out a loan you have to wait 24hours to take out another. And that way you could pay it back on time. Plus if you were to go on a holiday, BE sure to plan ahead and have the loan paid back before you go. Cause in real life, a bank loan dosen't care where you are at. They want there money. It's not that all different from a real loan, just osmething you don't pay for with real money. :)

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: TheDarkness on October 29, 2006, 06:44:29 AM
The game is fine as it is, adding loans is just going to give the Space odyssey moaners something else to moan about, the loans are not needed, only for people who feel hard done by when they lose fleets in missions and the galaxy, the fact is this is a war game and your going to lose fleets, there are enough ways already to make creds workers and segs without the use of a loan system, but thats me and ive just lost most of my fleets on a killer fleet, but i still wouldnt want to take out a loan to build myself back up...

I enjoy the hard work that comes with this game not the ease of which you could possibly get it, having my fleets handed back to me on a silver platter is pointless...


Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on October 29, 2006, 06:53:38 AM
Not everybody feels the same way you do Dark. Personally when I hit a killer fleet I get a bit ticked.  Have you played other online game other then SO. That requires hard work?  IT's just a another way  to get back to where you were without having to spend a whole week to get back to your old status.

On the other hand, this game lacks what every game needs. A VACATION MODE!!!!    ANd without one, I don't think this loaning system will work. But it would drastically change the way this game is played if there was one involved. But there is also to many people who hate change. And one of those people is you Dark. If I showed you a game where the loaning process if being done now. I bet you anything you would change you mind. I could also make a demo of how it would work. BUt I will not if people hate this idea completly.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on October 30, 2006, 12:34:20 PM
If you take away from commander, ppl will only like that, 'cus they will be easier to increase level up again then since they need less experience, and get more commnder points for it, if you wanna do sumthing drastic, don't decrease your commander level, but delete some commander points (that you used) :14:

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: FTP on October 30, 2006, 05:13:55 PM
What happens when you BOOOM lose youre ships, you take a loan buy them back and BOOOOOM you lsoe youre ships again. Now you have no credits no ships and a freaking high loan?

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: A^Bloody^Idiot on October 31, 2006, 04:41:26 AM
You're problem :)) It's just to take a loan after you lost your ships, and it's a risk to take a loan, just as much as their are other risks in this game...
You could just don't take a loan and just lose your ships one time and see what's gonna happen... B-)

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: FTP on October 31, 2006, 05:27:41 PM
If you take the loan and get blown again. Its better to restart. As now way you can ever pay youre loan if you have nothing left.

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Hellsword on November 02, 2006, 06:13:03 PM
yeah my 2 cents is this wouldnt work really... would just throw things off way ot much, i mean u are supposed to need to get the money b4 u upgrade, it would be a big advantage to take out a loan, then pay it back since ur makin more per mission... jsut seems to complicated / wont fit into rest of gameplay for me...

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on November 02, 2006, 09:10:57 PM
well that is easy alts.  alts take loans. allies attack the alts and take the ships that have marines but only enough to keep the ships from blowing up.  1

I take a loan get attacked cant pay it back..2

after taking one loan I cant pay back I take another get my ships killed again.  3

it is too easy for people to be irresponsible with the credits and never learn how to play the game well, go into debte and just quit. 4

where does the intrest go.  5

does the council that does not exist get any of it and if so do the council deside 6

this would take up a lot of unnecessary space in the system and take even more computing power.  7

you would have to come up with a way to track and punish those that take a loan.  8

there are otehr things to work on besides this  9

and I am sure there are others I cant think of at this time but I will add them as I think of them

Title: Re: Bank Loans
Post by: Squank on November 08, 2006, 10:29:40 PM
Well I guess there's to many people who think this is a "bad idea"  or "not needed". That's fine with me, I'll look into this a little bit more and see how this could work. I've gotten a lot of great ideas about how this couldn't work. So it's my job to fix that. Thanks for the replies keep them coming ;) .