Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on October 08, 2006, 11:46:50 AM

Title: New Round Updates
Post by: SirEmi on October 08, 2006, 11:46:50 AM
Hello everyone and congratulations on a round well done.

We have a couple of inprovements at the start of this new round:
- commander leveling requires 3000 exp for the next level
- mothership contracts reward depend on commander level, and you make 1.500.000 credits for each level at 1% difficulty, modifiend by diffliculty if you choose to do a harder mission.

I've been working on the new updates and they look amazing, we should have a working tech tree and system buildings in a week, that we will test for another week or so, and then release on the main server. The tech research will require a couple of CP, turns and credits and you will have the option to choose a what you want and research only the tech you actually use, and specialize on them.
The next update add-on will focus on creation of Base/Outpost/StarBase facility, Mining Post, and planet building techniques. Invasion and boarding of those facilities will be available.

Good Luck and God Speed commanders!

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: bigbroni on October 08, 2006, 11:53:13 AM
wow sounds sweet Sir Emi :-)

so this will be a little bit towards Masters of Orions 2 ? - I did love that game lol

w/r bb

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: SirEmi on October 08, 2006, 12:01:24 PM
The votes will be working ok in a couple of minutes, some vote credits were removed as they were left from the previus round.
The new bonuses should update now.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: chicpea on October 08, 2006, 12:23:09 PM
Thanks Sir Emi cant wait to start.

Excellent ive played masters of orion 1 - 2 and 3 cool games Broni


Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: SirEmi on October 08, 2006, 12:37:19 PM
Ok, we had to reset the thig again because the old bonuses for votes were in place and some players got an unfair advantage.
All should be fine now. Enjoy the new round.

Also, I'm now working on making the Halls reflect the tie spot of number 1

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 08, 2006, 02:26:35 PM
i was going to say 1.5 mil more per level is a bit small, but then and again only 3k exp will make it so that people will be able to level up every mission when it gets bigger, but still thats not good enought.. how would you be able to get a 1 quad ship? if you only get + 1.5 mil per level you do, it would take FOREVER!

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: vampiermaster on October 08, 2006, 02:31:36 PM
 :)) Sounds good, Thanks Sir Emi  for your comments on my web site.

Also its good that attacks are now in your mail box, Iam getting old and forget things, like ?? erm, erm what was I saying, oh yes, its nice to see a attack report, that you can go back to, got to go now, nurse as my pills, time to sleep.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Hellsword on October 08, 2006, 03:52:21 PM
i personally dont like the new mothership contracts, this will make it very hard to grow since the missiosn went up as oyu did....

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 08, 2006, 08:22:31 PM
pppp    L               AA        N        N    EEEEE   TTTTTTT       SSSSSS       !!!
p   p    L             A    A      NN      N    E               T           S                  !!!
p   p    L           A        A    N  N    N    E               T          S                   !!!
pppp    L           AAAAAA     N   N   N    EEEEE        T           SSSSS           !!!
p         L           A       A     N     N N    E              T                    S
p         L           A       A     N      NN    E              T                     S         !!!
p         LLLLLLL   A       A     N        N   EEEEE        T           SSSSSS          !!!

not that I'm trying to make a point here, as to what update I am most waiting for...

but anyway, ya, the extreme flexibility of mothership missions always being so hard and so rewarding for you, no matter where you are, was one of the best aspects of this game (that and the sheer amount of customisibity in the ships)

so... if you are going to do that, you may as well put in the galaxy missions themselves as the main mission type, then have the mothership missions be the same, except you always pay 15 turns for one, and they give no items

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Borg! on October 09, 2006, 12:50:53 AM
well in all honesty i think the mission update sucks and should be changed

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: FTP on October 09, 2006, 02:40:53 AM
1. Dont like the new mothership update.
2. Have not yet tried but 3000 a level would mean you can lvl up 23x in one encounter.

The problem pas round was that you could amke a fortune on Mcontracts, and gain awfull loads of XP on encounters. Giving ppl the change of paying just 16% of there ships making them grow way to fast. I think encounter XP should be dropped.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Spayed on October 09, 2006, 05:24:26 AM
i like the new updates, at first the missions did concern me, but with the commander thing i think it wull turn out fine, we will jsut hav 2 test it out

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 09, 2006, 09:05:55 AM
humm people watch out, emi adjusted the difuclity of a mission, and it made 1% missions alot harder, i used to be able to do them last round with 1 ship and 10 p ships.. and now i cant even do a mission without loseing a ship useing only my ship.. emi what did you do?

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Spayed on October 09, 2006, 09:12:39 AM
emi that not on, u lowered how much we get pain at the start, and now u make them 2 hard 2 do wif little ships =S

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 09, 2006, 09:24:54 AM
ya, you said you adjusted the diffuclity, i think it made bigger missions easier at higher levels and stuff, but it also increased the diffculty on smaller missions with small ships, i already have complaints from about 6 people in my allaince about loseing ships to a 1% mission

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on October 09, 2006, 10:53:50 AM
Maybe now doing only missions all the time will not be as profitable, i didnt like that :)
I lost all ships on 1st mission :)) But its not enough to complain, maybe i had bad luck, also those ships wasnt too good...
While leveling each 3kxp, commander experience might be even more important than in previous round. I wonder if emi simulates such changes in some way :21:

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 09, 2006, 02:46:07 PM
lammalord, the amount you earn per 1% is reflective on your Commander lvl, therefore a level 10 commander earns 15M on a 1%.

As for more difficult missions, missions got changed sometime last round that made them harder at lower levels, you were just too high to notice it until now.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Hellsword on October 09, 2006, 05:58:49 PM
nah monkey thats not his problem, the thing is they arent % based anymore, so your going for a bigger reward then you did last round with equivalent sized ships, which means the ywill die...

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: jebus767 on October 09, 2006, 07:13:28 PM
So how are the fleets you will encounter in a mission determined now?

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 09, 2006, 07:16:37 PM
well im saying this is good for the start, but think about a week? how would you make 1-2 bil per mission it would take forever.. humm

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: TheMerchant on October 09, 2006, 08:06:07 PM
so ship power has nothin to do with the money from missions now????

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: thezerg on October 09, 2006, 08:27:25 PM
I don't think so, they're more like galaxy missions now

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 10, 2006, 01:22:21 AM
I think it's high time we got rid of mothership missions. We don't really need them anymore, galaxy missions fit the bill now.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 10, 2006, 09:53:02 PM
ahh i want them, but hes restisting it alot, i dont think anyone will hit even the trillions in power this round with that restiction

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 10, 2006, 09:54:55 PM
we will, it'll just take longer then normal. The round is having a slower start then normal. Once we get the new updates things may change, you never know.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 10, 2006, 10:03:47 PM
3k per level, thats not 1= 3k 2=6k 3=9k

no.. its 1=3k 2=9k 3=18k... so on its + 3k more per level, leveling will take forever not to mention if you add up all the exp to get to level 100, i think that even last round, when i had level 405 i didnt have that much exp.. it would be like 20 ppl needing level 1000 exp amount to join dday.. it will take forever for only 1 person hand 1000+ level, and that was broni...

as for missions just as a calfication, fleet power dosnt affect the power of the mission dose it? so if i did a 5% with 5 mil power and no p ships, would it be the same thing if i were to do a 5% with 40 mil power and 35 mil p ships? im a bit confused on how this works..

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 11, 2006, 11:12:52 AM
no, lamma, I believe he means (at least, he BETTER mean) you simply start at 3k for lvl 1, and then add another 1k per level.  so you are just basically skipping the first 2 lvl's of exp needed.

sir E, please do remember, a game where it takes a REALLY long time to power up... usually should not have rounds... those with rounds... usually requires you to be able to lvl up and gain power and such relatively fast... the shorter the round, the faster you should be able to grow in a day.

I don't think anyone would play... runescape, for example, if it reset everything every 2 months... when in 2 months all you are at is lvl 30 out of 100 some.
on the other hand, not many would probably find a game like 1000AD (I know, not as well known, probably) if the round never ended, with people at like 3 bil+ stuff and you have nothing.

I know your just trying to make the game unique, which you should, I just sometimes feel like this game as a whole sometimes starts to go into a circle, when it comes to whether it is a long drawn out battle, or a short winner take all battle.



Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 11, 2006, 11:38:48 AM
power affects mothership credits only I believe, not galaxy, which is what I believe the commander lvl affects....of course, I may be dead wrong on this, that's what it sounded like Sir E was saying.

And I thought Sir Emi lowered the amount of exp needed to gain levels, making it only 1k more each time, or just 3k each time?

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 12, 2006, 01:01:10 AM
no, power dosnt affect mother ship contracts, i been doing 20-30% missions just fine with a rediclious amount of p ships

oh and for ars:

Level: 2
Experiece: 11945
Next Level: 18000

i know thats how it works, im level 2 and look 18k for th next level, and watch level 3 will be like 30k exp to get it and 4 at 45k exp and 5 at 63k exp.. 6 at 84k exp, but see that will add up to make level 100 take forever, i think before it was like 1 mil exp or something for 100, and now at this rate, level 7 is already 108k exp, thats 1/10th of 1 mil, and its only level 7, not only that but the more exp added will only get bigger and bigger..

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: FTP on October 12, 2006, 02:00:11 AM
Lamma those XP you give are correct.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: TheMerchant on October 12, 2006, 02:01:55 AM
wow itll take for ever to lvl now

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Spayed on October 12, 2006, 04:21:05 AM
yes it will and it is very bad, at this rate it will take every 1 jsut aslong 2 get 2 lvl 100 as it took them 2 get 2 lvl 300 or higher its jsut gunna make the round b jsut aslong as hte last one, but it will b much much slower because people will not b able to make much money at all from mother ship contracts, galaxy missions will b find for the start, but they willnot give you the big rewards the motehrship missions gave last round when they were based on your power not your commander lvl, now if the it was much faster 2 lvl your commander it would prob b fine, peeps could make a much bigger profit adn therefore get muchhigher in the game

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Lammalord on October 12, 2006, 08:41:12 AM
okay he is the equation:

a_n = (1/2)n(n+1)*3000

so if you plug in 100 for "n" for the level you come out with 15.150.000 exp for level 100..
thats about 15 times more exp needed than before, were i think level 100 was about 1.000.000 exp
it would take forever, 202 max exp encounters (75k exp each) or 4330 max exp missions (3.5k each) thats alot and it would take forever

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 12, 2006, 11:07:28 AM
Eh, I just thought it was different, though I see that lvl 2 needs 9k experience to get to, yikes.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 12, 2006, 01:07:09 PM

not only is it easy to donate to a quick top spot, but I am starting to see it is almost required to.  I just lost a ship worth 165 mil on mission worth only 6 mil, an 8% mission.

with this change to slow down lvling up, individual cp will be even more valuable, because it doesn't require lvling up.  meaning donators can get an even bigger boost.

those making losses like this, if they have money, can simply donate a couple bucks and get right back where they were.  while people like me have to grudge around another day doing it the hard way.

I know you are saying the updates coming soon will make it worth it, but some of us don't want old features getting worse just to make room for new ones.

another thing, at this point:

minimum fleet power expected on the galaxy is maybe 5 mil
minimum fleet power you can expect in mothership missions is maybe 1.5 mil

this is BARELY reachable in quick time at the begginning.  HOWEVER, if you were to say, level up to lvl 10, then get blown away, 0rd and raided, you would have to do a:

galaxy mission at least of 5 mil
mothership mission worth at least 15 mil

hopefully you have thought of this ahead of time, but if not, I'm making sure you do now.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: bigbroni on October 12, 2006, 02:27:38 PM
wow looks like its really going hard on this round ... - I was at cdr lvl 1055 (I stoped training the cdr after lvl 1020 or so ... rest was "accidental lol) at the end last round - I guess if the systems works like discribed above noone will be able to get there anymore. - Sir E pls concider to change that a bit.

I also realized that "killer fleets" now also happen at very low power lvls ... - :-(  e.g. my entire fleet was worth like 8;4;1,5;1,5;1,5 mill (so total like 16,5 mill)credits and I faced a armarda of 5 fleets with number 1 opposing fleet like 36 mills worth ... - thats kinda hard to manage lol

anyhow I hope like mosts on the updates :-)

w/r bb

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 12, 2006, 02:41:20 PM
ya, but the problem is there is only about one way it can get better, but that means being able to freely work the galaxy... which only those who seem to have been able to donate, are doing right now.

myself, I probably would have been fine, but the system 'allowed' me to attack a reaver thing with a fleet power of 144 mil, with everything I had, and took out my best ship, leaving me almost literally dead in the water.

Sir E, you REALLY need to just take out superfleets... they just aren't needed anymore.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: FTP on October 12, 2006, 06:01:33 PM
I didnt donate a single credit this round. Doing 3 bounty's at start of the game and laods of BH's after it made me strong atm I can get 1/10 of my 1st ship cost as missions reward abling me to upgrade very fast. Onyl the killerfleets slow em downa  bit.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 13, 2006, 08:06:55 AM
Ars, quit complaining about the donators, it's pointless. They keep the game afloat, they have every right to donate. While some do it a bit too much in my opinion, that's their right and we have to respect it. The round isn't even a week old yet, you need to give it some time.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 13, 2006, 10:15:10 AM
yes... the unnesecary evil of almost all online games...  but I'll probably get banned or worse before I feel totally confident that a game with unlimited donating for turns option available, is anywhere near a level playing field.  for that matter, black holes bring up a little red flag with me to...  It's a strategy game... a TURN BASED strategy game.  meaning you use the turns you have wisely, not look for someway to get 1000x the turns you normally get.  it's just, that it's not like it COULD happen, but that I have ALREADY seen it happen before, where it leads straight to this huge gap between donators and non-donators.  and you know how the saying goes, 'if you don't learn from the past, you are doomed to repeat it' or something like that.


Ars, quit complaining about the donators, it's pointless. They keep the game afloat, they have every right to donate. While some do it a bit too much in my opinion, that's their right and we have to respect it. The round isn't even a week old yet, you need to give it some time.

in my personal opinion (no offense to Sir E) if a game is good enough to attract and keep so many people, the people themselves will help the site stay up and running, bonus in game or no. (as I have also seen happen)  if someone has to 'reward' them (but by far even worse, 'force' them) to donate, what do you think that makes me personally feel about the maker of the game???

hmm...  but I'll stop for now.  I suppose you are right that the round has just begun, the real updates aren't even in yet.  and I am willing to wait and see if I was right or not.

but on a subject other then donators, I still feel it is going to be all to easy to get to some high commander level, then lose everything, and you will end up getting to a point where it will actually be easier to restart, rather then try and keep on going.  and that is something that you have NEVER felt before in Space Odyssey.  I have... and let me tell you, it is NOT pretty.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 13, 2006, 10:23:42 AM
no one is forcing them to donate ars, and the reward is for them donating, not so they will donate. It's Sir Emi's way of saying thank you for donating. And no ars, just having people play would not keep the game afloat. Most people won't just donate because they like a game, they want to get something out of it. If Sir Emi didn't have donations he'd go broke trying to keep this site running.

And ars, using yor turns to find black holes is strategy, it's planning how to get more so you have more to spend.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on October 13, 2006, 11:21:25 AM
THe updates from last round with the galaxy missions and the encouters was very good for the game overall.  it appears to me Sir Emi has increased the number of encounters in the galaxy as we requested.  THis is a good think and the amount of turns for donations has droped to a very good level.  it is a bit of a reward for the $  but still only a few missions. not really enough to make a huge difference but enough to get that pesky black hole, or that annoying attacker. so far I like the new updates and I beleive they are good.  later with more power I may change my mind but so far so good

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: vampiermaster on October 14, 2006, 02:16:57 PM
I gave a donation because I wanted to give something back to the game, begining to think I was wrong, Sir Emi should get something back for all the work he/she has done.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on October 14, 2006, 05:39:31 PM
Yes, He does deserve to get something back for making this game, it's just a shame a couple people take it too far and make other players feel it's unfair.

Nice quote, very funny...and true...

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: SirEmi on October 17, 2006, 01:42:32 PM
I have just finnished the technology tree for the system build.
I'm now working on the system buildings that the tech tree will uncover.
I'll be working on the update on the road, I will try to answer all your messages, there could be a delay in aswering because I'm on the road, but all messages shoudl be answered in the coming weekend.

The update will be available for testing by the end of the week.

Sorry about the delay, anyway it looks awesome.

God Speed commanders!

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on October 17, 2006, 09:04:29 PM
lol, come to think of it... quit complaining about donaters? and possibly die of boredom?  :))

lol, jk.  though I will try to keep it down, lol.

and for those who don't get my personal pun in there, try signing up andkeeping up with 10 different games, you'll see, heh, never a dull moment really.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: John.doe on October 18, 2006, 12:36:39 PM
about the missions thing, that is a very good news, it will aviod killer fleets since, by the time when i get my 36 bil fleet power total of 3 missionships, the 1% mission would be 286.5 million credits :-)  definety impossible for that to destory one of my missionships  :12:

double kudos for you, emi.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: einstein on October 31, 2006, 02:07:17 PM
i dont understand the new system. u say that when i reach level 3 the mothership missions will go back to normal? but they aint! i still only get half a million for a 3%! how am i gonna resupply my 500million with those? it means 1000 missions! times 15 for turns! 15000 turns! thats insane! and then i also needs marines in them, or they are lost within a week... not good. not good at all. good for the new ones. but where i am its a problem. u aint getting creds fas enough to keep up with the top. without a way to do that there aint any fun in the game!

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on December 18, 2006, 07:59:35 AM
Just use votes, and do events and galaxy missions to get next level. Now its 250mil/vote.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on January 03, 2007, 11:51:59 PM
einstien, that's the way it goes, you have to fight for what you want. this is, once again, obviously Emi's way of getting people to realize they do have to attack other players in order to get to the top.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: ars68 on January 04, 2007, 12:16:25 AM
well... let me ask you something though, just what DO you get for attacking other people? other then just beating them up?  if you get some actual game critical element for attacking others, that PvP is the only way to get it, I assure you people will start attacking a LOT more...

hence my 'grand mothership' idea which seems to have been lost in the void of time...  so much for that idea

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on January 04, 2007, 12:24:36 AM
well, maybe sir emi will add something (*HINT HINT HINT SIR EMI, MAJOR HINT*) and it'll be just like that. Like special items, or maybe something even cooler!

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on January 04, 2007, 07:04:08 PM
If you start round later than others it is possible to jump fast if you have some luck.
Sometimes higher players are offline with 0 ships, and it is possible to get a lot creds with just powerships :)
But... Its just possibility, not actual gameplay...
However open player with lots resources might change game a lot.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on January 04, 2007, 07:05:49 PM
yes, that does tend to shift the balance of things a lot.

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on January 04, 2007, 07:13:39 PM
Wow that was quick response :))
Actually i found that "lazy round start" is nice.
After previous round and dooms day i was tired, so i was not plaing at all (mine asteroids and votes :19:).
Then i was attacking everyone and when ill got high enough i decided to be very peacefull :12:

Title: Re: New Round Updates
Post by: Seither on January 04, 2007, 07:21:02 PM
that's one way to play it, and is more like what it should be. This game is meant to be PvP, most people though stick to PvC.