Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => "Bugs" and Problems => Topic started by: Drackin on September 23, 2006, 12:08:22 AM

Title: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Drackin on September 23, 2006, 12:08:22 AM
           Ensign Drackin(#3088)
        Private Unidentified Fleet(#)

Invader Drackin (#3088)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
Drackins 300 bill 1    1    133535071530    0    136852242978
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    39920758301    0    83161823920
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    39920758301    0    83161823920
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    39920758301    0    83161823920

Defender Unidentified Fleet (#)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
XJohn 1    58940    1287293    3924    1320013
1% acc 1    1612438    233696    0    2520
Viper MK I 4    4424126    32891    291    6240
SHAAZBUTT 2    24408970    2928    0    7426

Assault Note

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 300 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s XJohn 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 300 bill 1 did 69173572868 damage to fleet XJohn 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 300 bill 1 fleet destroyed 52403 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s XJohn 1 fleet.
The fleet XJohn 1 did 6805812533 damage to fleet Drackins 300 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s XJohn 1 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 300 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet XJohn 1
The boarding party killed 29.470.000.000 enemy marines and suffered 6.778.100.000 casualties.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet XJohn 1 self-destructed.

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1% acc 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 4063343760 damage to fleet 1% acc 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 1612438 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1% acc 1 fleet.
The fleet 1% acc 1 did 1884101554 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1% acc 1 attack failed.

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Viper MK I 4 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 25005588374 damage to fleet Viper MK I 4.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 4007305 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Viper MK I 4 fleet.
The fleet Viper MK I 4 did 3637848207 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Viper MK I 4 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet Viper MK I 4
The boarding party killed 22.120.630.000 enemy marines and suffered 5.530.157.500 casualties.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet Viper MK I 4 self-destructed.

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s SHAAZBUTT 2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 27106194886 damage to fleet SHAAZBUTT 2.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 3650174 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s SHAAZBUTT 2 fleet.
The fleet SHAAZBUTT 2 did 3394799548 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s SHAAZBUTT 2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet SHAAZBUTT 2
The boarding party killed 36.613.455.000 enemy marines and suffered 9.153.363.750 casualties.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet SHAAZBUTT 2 self-destructed.

Assault result

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 58940 XJohn 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1612438 1% acc 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 4424126 Viper MK I 4 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 24408970 SHAAZBUTT 2 are destroyed during battle.
You boarded Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 30504474 ships and lost 0/4 ships.

Incoming transmision!
Thank you for your help commander, you have been awarded 1.248.665.240 Credits
Unidentified Fleet(#) lost more power than you during battle.
(+3710 Exp)

i would have to say that if it is going to be an option to board on missions then they need to not self destruct so that we can at least pay for our marine losses.. i lost alot on this mission.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: xthex on September 23, 2006, 01:41:12 AM
hellya i agree espicialll since what happend to gunfighter

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: SirEmi on September 23, 2006, 08:46:59 AM
they don't self destruct all the time, you just got unlucky on that one...

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: ars68 on September 23, 2006, 02:23:12 PM
still Sir E, boarding even before all this self destruct stuff was put in, was almost not worth it.  now even on the times were you -may- get something out of it... it self destructs giving you zip.  could you like, lay off the boarding a bit, perhaps?  it's looking more like you may as well just get rid of actually capturing ships altogether, because even when you do, you have to sell all of them just to get a CHANCE of getting something back.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Drackin on September 23, 2006, 03:39:10 PM
yeah when i do good i get maybe a bill more than my cost and when i do bad i lose 20 bill or more like i did on that mission.. and i have only ever gotten hulls exept for one time when i got the powercores with it..wooooo thats big money there... the point is that boarding isent worth the effort or money if we cant find a way to at least pay for the marine cost

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: bigbroni on September 23, 2006, 05:04:44 PM
well u found out fast ... - boarding only sometimes works on stupid other players ... or if u wanna really hurt someone ...

w/r bb

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: thezerg on September 23, 2006, 09:36:35 PM
Taking out the self destruct would be a major improvement. everytime i've killed twice as many as i lose,so a ship with zero shield, the ship self desructs and i lose all the marines that died.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Hellsword on September 23, 2006, 10:40:28 PM
what emi needs to do is remove the 0 marines on enemy ship = automatic destruction (players) since you cant steal ships at all anymore alot...

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: ars68 on September 24, 2006, 01:00:26 AM
no, now see that makes sense.  if someone has no marines, and is being boarded by 1 million marines, he isn't going to sit there and watch, hoping those 0 marines actually win.  no, as soon as the marines land, he's going to be all over that self destruct button.

this is about mission ships, that ALWAYS have marines.

imagine this: you have out 100 tril missions ships, just built, and going through missions, in the middle of a neb.  you have time to do missions, so you don't worry about marines... yet. 

then BAM, someone hits you... how? no not a counter, as you never hit anyone.  inf act, it's you who took the hit at least a couple hours ago.  how? a BOUNTY. and what do they do? board.  by boarding, they not only steal all your 100 tril ships, making a nice bonus, but then they also get the bounty reward as well.

no, keep the self destruct with 0 marines, for player vs player battles. 

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 24, 2006, 04:17:37 AM
Ars I disagree with that many ships have not marines on them in the real world.  and for another item if you are a ship commader you should know to put  marrines on your ships especialy hight value ships my beef is that when boarding on missions etc the best ships self destruct and you end up with only like 1/10th of the ships you do capture because the other 90% are destroyed in combat or they fought like lions, or some crazy crap. and you end up with stinking tiny men and that crap most of the time from a mission even thought your cap ships actualy spend 1 trillion marines to capture a great hull but some reason that is the hull that self destructs or mor often than not since you dont have 5 times the number of marines as a ship of comprable size  as yours you just end up loosing all your marines for nothing.  The largest hull I have captured was I do believe woth 45 million credits of which I didnt eve get that but I spent well over 1 billion marines to capture like 5 of them.  didnt even pay for 1/10th of the mariens and they were not even worth refiting.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Hellsword on September 24, 2006, 05:51:17 PM
frank but why are oyu boarding missions in the first place? this just tells you its a bad idea...

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Drackin on September 24, 2006, 09:03:15 PM
yeah but if you have the option to board on a mission then it should be at least semi profitable to use that option. so i think we ahould get rid of or at least drease the self sestruct rate and increase the probability of getting more systems with the hulls, maybe accually get a whole ship from time to time. wouldent that be nice? :)

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: thezerg on September 24, 2006, 10:46:34 PM
It would be

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: ars68 on September 25, 2006, 11:20:31 AM
hmm... and I agree somewhat.  I tried boarding before, and almost halfway, they would selfdestruct.  now out of those half, you have even less chance to get something good.  and this was probably even before this.

the problem with capturing whole ships in missions:
you capture a whole ship, that has some ridiculously outpriced system on it...  like you capture 500k of these really small, really weak ships, and they have a computer on board worth trillions.

on a side note... the cost limit on mission ships should make this near impossible... so that actually isn't to bad, after all.

oh, and gunfighter, to tell the truth, if something like that happened, I'd just say "well, you should have kept a positive rep then"

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Drackin on September 25, 2006, 12:15:30 PM
         Ensign Drackin(#3088)
     Gold Transport

Invader Drackin (#3088)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
Drackins 600 bill 1    1    219073467051    0    293804474290
Drackins 300 bill 1    1    135985256329    0    136852242978
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    40653249279    0    83161823920
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    40653249279    0    83161823920
Drackins 150 bill 1    1    40653249279    0    83161823920

Defender Unidentified Fleet (#)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name    # of Units    Attack    Defence    Hitpoints
Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha    2    63216617864    182807677    104023966388
Grand_Light Temple_ 3    1    60819728003    5935093005    2166736285
Naval Admiral Bartimeus    9965    27589204    19114    99033026
Titan 1    917    119131    210184    2575415
FA-1 Archangel 1    56238    4557925    76121    7945766
Power ship 1    171515    66369    226    16328
Dooms Day Device 1    11522    535036    7682    1997609
Borg Cube 1    1634424    47966    233    198000
Lunas MK5 3    56984    82210    5311    118272
Condor Rev Luna 6    6505123    66471    1314    13781

Assault Note

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 45179758446 damage to fleet Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.
The fleet Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha did 24022314788 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet Bronis Medium Wartank Alpha
The boarding party killed 42.407.549.616 enemy marines and suffered casualties.
Boarding party failed.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 300 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Grand_Light Temple_ 3 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 300 bill 1 did 2166736285 damage to fleet Grand_Light Temple_ 3.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 300 bill 1 fleet destroyed 1 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Grand_Light Temple_ 3 fleet.
The fleet Grand_Light Temple_ 3 did 6574612597 damage to fleet Drackins 300 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Grand_Light Temple_ 3 attack failed.

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Naval Admiral Bartimeus fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 14991484933 damage to fleet Naval Admiral Bartimeus.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 151 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Naval Admiral Bartimeus fleet.
The fleet Naval Admiral Bartimeus did 44675542902 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Naval Admiral Bartimeus attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet Naval Admiral Bartimeus
The boarding party killed 49.999.999.995 enemy marines and suffered 34.922.093.375 casualties.
Boarding party failed.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Titan 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 2361655555 damage to fleet Titan 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 917 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Titan 1 fleet.
The fleet Titan 1 did 15020930 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Titan 1 attack failed.

Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s FA-1 Archangel 1 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 did 12281240958 damage to fleet FA-1 Archangel 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 150 bill 1 fleet destroyed 1545 of Unidentified Fleet(#)'s FA-1 Archangel 1 fleet.
The fleet FA-1 Archangel 1 did 38449287923 damage to fleet Drackins 150 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s FA-1 Archangel 1 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
Drackin(#3088)'s fleet Drackins 150 bill 1 is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet FA-1 Archangel 1
The boarding party killed 54.545.454.540 enemy marines and suffered 42.178.500.000 casualties.
Boarding party failed.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Power ship 1 fleet attacks Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet.
The fleet Power ship 1 did 22766558 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Power ship 1 attack failed.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 0 damage to fleet Power ship 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Dooms Day Device 1 fleet attacks Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet.
The fleet Dooms Day Device 1 did 209599283 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Dooms Day Device 1 attack failed.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 0 damage to fleet Dooms Day Device 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Borg Cube 1 fleet attacks Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet.
The fleet Borg Cube 1 did 2665490574 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Borg Cube 1 attack failed.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 0 damage to fleet Borg Cube 1.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Lunas MK5 3 fleet attacks Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet.
The fleet Lunas MK5 3 did 187386186 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Lunas MK5 3 attack failed.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 0 damage to fleet Lunas MK5 3.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Condor Rev Luna 6 fleet attacks Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 fleet.
The fleet Condor Rev Luna 6 did 12107256866 damage to fleet Drackins 600 bill 1.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Condor Rev Luna 6 attack failed.
The fleet Drackins 600 bill 1 did 0 damage to fleet Condor Rev Luna 6.
Drackin(#3088)'s Drackins 600 bill 1 attack failed.

Assault result

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1 Grand_Light Temple_ 3 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 151 Naval Admiral Bartimeus are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 917 Titan 1 are destroyed during battle.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 1545 FA-1 Archangel 1 are destroyed during battle.
You boarded Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 2614 ships and lost 0/5 ships.
Your attack failed and achieved nothing.
You inflicted insufficient damage on Unidentified Fleet(#).
(+20316 Exp)

the red one i get i killed less than i lost but the yellows i killed more than i lost so why did they fail?? and why didnt they self destruct??

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: xthex on September 25, 2006, 06:28:29 PM
yeah if you kill more then you lose i think you should have been able to cap. the ship.... cause for sure his ships had more than 42 bill on them.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: thezerg on September 25, 2006, 06:29:42 PM
You have to kill all marines to capture a ship.

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: xthex on September 25, 2006, 06:36:07 PM
hes still had at least a 100 bill left on his ship to send in oooooo idea idea ........  may be in a case like that the other ship could surrunder since they lost more marines and defeat was iminent. and didnt want to die after all the marines are human right?

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: xthex on September 25, 2006, 07:05:20 PM
not as great as every one eleses but still

       First Sergeant liberator(#31241)
    Bio Experiment

Invader liberator (#31241)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name   # of Units   Attack   Defence   Hitpoints
Corporal   1   42282184153   0   120150000000

Defender Unidentified Fleet (#)

Engaged Units
Fleet Name   # of Units   Attack   Defence   Hitpoints
BattleShipCopy 2   1   39193672160   1007898566   26906833272
HELL Fleet: Hydra Fighters   104313   1086846   5780   924000
Duo's Revenge 1   28423   1103567   18923   840000

Assault Note

liberator(#31241)'s Corporal fleet engaged Unidentified Fleet(#)'s BattleShipCopy 2 fleet on the battlefield.
The fleet Corporal did 6903520911 damage to fleet BattleShipCopy 2.
liberator(#31241)'s Corporal attack failed.
The fleet BattleShipCopy 2 did 9986547666 damage to fleet Corporal.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s BattleShipCopy 2 attack failed.

The fleets close into transporter range...
liberator(#31241)'s fleet Corporal is sending a boarding party to Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet BattleShipCopy 2
The boarding party killed 34.425.002.589 enemy marines and suffered 18.909.090.876 casualties.
Boarding party failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s HELL Fleet: Hydra Fighters fleet attacks liberator(#31241)'s Corporal fleet.
The fleet HELL Fleet: Hydra Fighters did 3831979238 damage to fleet Corporal.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s HELL Fleet: Hydra Fighters attack failed.
The fleet Corporal did 0 damage to fleet HELL Fleet: Hydra Fighters.
liberator(#31241)'s Corporal attack failed.

Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Duo's Revenge 1 fleet attacks liberator(#31241)'s Corporal fleet.
The fleet Duo's Revenge 1 did 3669902126 damage to fleet Corporal.
Unidentified Fleet(#)'s Duo's Revenge 1 attack failed.
The fleet Corporal did 0 damage to fleet Duo's Revenge 1.
liberator(#31241)'s Corporal attack failed.

Assault result

You boarded Unidentified Fleet(#)'s fleet and mothership.
You destroyed Unidentified Fleet(#)'s 0 ships and lost 0/1 ships.
Your attack failed and achieved nothing.
You inflicted insufficient damage on Unidentified Fleet(#).

my ship after the board, i had plenty to spare but they dont all go one?
Corporal   1250000094   1   108590918712   18.909.090.876   

Title: Re: boarding success Vs. marine loss
Post by: Drackin on September 25, 2006, 10:33:40 PM
there it is... you should have captured that ship.. if a boarding party goes on a ship it is not gonna stop until it gets that ship especially if they are takeing half the losses the other side are.. if i send 100 bill marines in and lose 18 bill and the other guy loses 34 bill i better get that damned ship or my marines have not dont their job like they were supposed to and i would have them courtmarshled. so in conclusion... i would love to see this fix or improved or something to where is it worth it to use marines on missions.