Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => "Bugs" and Problems => Topic started by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 09:17:10 PM

Title: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 09:17:10 PM
humm, i think the fee should should be 10% of the price you bought it, beacuse with the discount i have so large 10% or the normal fee cost about 1/3 of the cost i bought the ship, so tenchinaly that 10% is actally about 33%... its way off, emi can you fix this?

beacuse i mean common?!?!

 it will cost you 800. credits to set the fleets

that ship costed me 2.9 quad.. that activation fee is almost 40% of the cost of the ship itself!!! it should of only costed me about 200 tril to unreserve that ship...

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 20, 2006, 02:56:29 AM
Its cheaper to crash it on mission :P
Unreserve fee is 10% of base ship price, so if you have high line asemble, its more than 10%.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on September 20, 2006, 03:57:28 AM
Lol, reactivating those ships would not be wise, all u have to do is sell them, it will be cheaper :)

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: SirEmi on September 20, 2006, 05:26:25 AM
I'll correct that in the next patch, making the fee take into account your skills when calculating

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 07:16:07 AM
I don't know wither to say that's a good thing or bad thing. I thought it was kinda fair, since it meant buying a expensive powerful ship meant either paying more to unreserve or leaving it out, risking it's destruction.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: SirEmi on September 20, 2006, 07:53:37 AM
well then, I would like to ask for more opinions if activation should take your skills into account or not?

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 08:37:40 AM
well i think you should lol, having to pay 40% of the total cost of the ship to unreserve is crazy, and yes,  it would be cheaper if i just sold the ship and bought another... oh it would help if this is soon, i sort of umm cant un-reserve my ships beacuse i caculated it on my dicounts and not the true value, i thought i was going to be fine..

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 20, 2006, 08:39:08 AM
I think it should.
I spent lots of command points to get my line asemble high, and than...
33% line asemble.
If buy 3.3tril ship for 2.2tril ill have to pay 330bil to reactivate it. Thats 15% instead of 10. Or we can say, that i have to pay 50% more for activation.
By selling this ship i would get 1.65tril. Plus 330 bil, thats 1.98tril. Still reserving is cheaper, but reserving ship over 6 times cost more than ship itself.
But at 50% line asemble?
If buy 3.3tril ship for 1.65tril ill have to pay 330bil to reactivate it. Thats 20% instead of 10. Or we can say, that i have to pay 100% more for activation. In this case, reserving ship 5 times cost same as new ship...
By selling this ship i would get 1.65tril. Plus 330 bil, thats 1.98tril.

(selling will be little higher, i dont remember, maybe its 49% not 50?)

So, selling that drity ship, after many fights, and than buing new shiny ship is chaper than putting it in distant nebula? :)
I dont know what is "really" happening when ship is reserved, maybe its resized to pocked size by nanobots, so line line asemble skil should affect it :P

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 08:48:03 AM
50% thats low, man i have about 65% dicounts, so a 3 tril ship costs me about 1 tril..

but the activation fee is 300 bil it costs me about 30% of the ships cost to activeate it, were it would give me about 500 bil to just sell it...

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 20, 2006, 09:10:11 AM
I thought its limited to 50%. I never had that much, also i dont have gold so its harder to get high.
With 65% thats really horrible.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 12:07:10 PM
Sir Emi, just go ahead and change it. I figured most people would agree with lamma, I just thought it as fair, but change it, because I kinda see their point now, makes sense that it would work on unreserving too.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: chicpea on September 20, 2006, 05:06:09 PM
Nahhhhhh it should be left as it is  :19:

Only joking lol

Everything else works on the indivual players CP points only fair that unreserving should be to..


Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 06:11:42 PM
soon please so i can umm unreserve my ships and do something??

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 11:02:04 PM
well im sort of stuck untill this gets fixed, for i cannot unreserve my ships.. i would like this problem to be solved soon, beacuse im starting to get boarded of sitting around...

You are hiding in a nebula and are protected.
Time until discovered: 8h 34m

i only got 8 hours to counter, this sucks emi, i cant even unreserve my fircken ships, and with you taking your time on this small fix, ill never get anything done...

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Seither on September 21, 2006, 11:41:22 AM
well, you'll have to deal with it lamma.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: SirEmi on September 21, 2006, 08:49:14 PM
yeah Lamma, you'll have to deal with that, but if will be done, not as soon as you wanted, probably this weekend...

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 22, 2006, 03:55:37 AM
E I think that it should take into account you CPs , also I think that now with Cps and captured ships also not being able to be sold at full price that we should now be able to capture systems from missions as well as commanders. especialy since I end up captureing massive numbers of 3-5 space ships that if I captured thier systems they would be worth between 3-30 million credits, IE the tiny man, T 900, Knat crap, etc.  this is just crazy. because marines cost 1000 times what those hulls are worth. since 50% of captured hulls self destruct anyway.and you just end up loosing all those billions and trillions of marines for a reward of a few thousand tiny men. For some reason all the larger hulls self destruct when captured that is a complete ripoff.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on September 22, 2006, 04:57:51 AM
That will not bring much profit, unles u run into weak designs, most good ships have systems worth 1 to 10 credits; on the other hand if u capture one of those ultraexpensive ships that cost max price yet have almost no attack or defence, u'll win the round if it happens early in the game; if those missions weren't 100% full of marines it might be worth doing boarding missions again.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 22, 2006, 05:10:54 AM
Light that is the best Idea I have heard in a long time.  I say like every thing else base the number of marines in a fleet on the % of marines on the average commaders fleets. Thus you will almost never get an empty, nor will you get a 100% full one.  but Like I have said most of the fleets I ahve captred are of the tiny man type.  I have yet to capture a ship even 1/30th the size of my lead ship.  hell what I am I saying I have not captured a ship worth more than 16 million credits, and then since I have bonus line assembly I get like poop for them.  they dont even come close to even paying for the marines used to capute them even with 30% + marine leader.  I mean every thing else is based on the average commander,  the Teufel Hunden only gets a % of the ships we take our time to design and sell of the 2% becaue of the pitiful amount of the royalty limits. that is based off of the $1 donation rate. but all mission fleets are equiped with 100% marines.  and over half the commaders dont have any marines at all. and very few commaders have 100% marines on all thier fleets I could probly count them on 1 finger or 1 hand.  So I agree with Light that mission fleets should not be 100% full of marines, that is should be based on the average commanders % of marines per fleet give or take 1-10%

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 22, 2006, 06:35:29 AM
Capturing systems from misssions could bring chaos :(
Remember that topic about space main ship, or something like that? Ship with computer worth quads, while its power was low (2mil?), and you could easy capture it. Now imagine that you capture 500 of those.
Random marines number is good idea. Maybe ships on missions should not explode :P I was trying to make profit from galaxy missions, and all i can say its plain waste of money.

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Lammalord on September 22, 2006, 09:32:21 AM
ya, random marines would be ausome, i enjoy attacking wiht board, and getting something lol its fun, but you never gain

Title: Re: activation fees?
Post by: Midnight44 on September 25, 2006, 05:06:18 AM
I also like the random marines idea.  :)