Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on September 18, 2006, 07:18:43 AM

Title: The Items project complete
Post by: SirEmi on September 18, 2006, 07:18:43 AM
- Items are available trough the Galaxy contracts, each contract will give an item. Better items are given at higher encryption level.
- Items are viewed trough the items interface screen, it's the picture of a cyber hand in the lower left of the screen, that will open the interface in a new window. Make sure you don't have strict pop-up rules, if the ext chat window works for u then the items interface should also work.
- Item Interface has three parts:
- Item Database, where you can search an item you own, or an item in the game
- Items Available, this is where the items are placed when you gain them, and sorted into bonus categories, clicking a category will open up a list of items own for that bonus. This is also the place to use the items.
- Items Active: This is the place the delayed action items are kept, the items that will only go active once the action they are related to has been triggered, e.g. Warp Travel decrease.

- There are two type of items, instant and delayed. Instant ads a bonus when the item is used.
- The delayed type works like this: When u use the item, it is moved to a waiting Items Active quene. From there, the system will use the selected item when it is needed, e.g.: use 10 x attack items, the next 10 battles you have bonus to attack. So you can use one item that affects one ability at one time, but you can use multiple items to affect multiple values, e.g. use +attack, +defence, etc in every battle. Using multiple items at once will have the benefit of not having to use the items every time you battle, and you can focus more on other things...
- The items in the active quene of someone you are attacking will only be used if the other has fleets to defend himself

Other fixes and inprovements with this add-on:
- Galaxy contracts encryption system works like this now: 15 mission at current level will get to next level, taking a lower level can still take to next level, but it will take longer:
e.g. L2 enc, doing 2 x L1 will count as 1 x L2
L10 enc, doing 10 x L1 will count as 1 x L10
- scouting party that results in ambush will generate a counter
- scouting someone while having a counter on them, and generating an ambush, will take away your counter
- fixed some issues with desinging rounding up values in design room, and geting more or less

God Speed commanders!  :12:

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Borg! on September 18, 2006, 07:46:37 AM
yes the counter thing is well needed

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 18, 2006, 08:32:19 AM
... omg emi.. you took away the most key part to fighting someone, know how can i go into a battle blind?? why did you do this, you need to make some way for people to look at the opposeing ships, so that they can generate a plan to attack.. i never go into battle blind, and know that you did this.. its well another one of them updates, like reducing the intrest, making missions 15 turns, making galaxy missions worthless to most players, and reducing encounters that you added that noone likes..

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: SirEmi on September 18, 2006, 09:03:25 AM
Well, I'm sure noone likes his fleets killed by endless scout spam... you can send your fleets and scout, and a counter for that information seems fair to me, information always costs :)

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: einstein on September 18, 2006, 11:17:42 AM
 that it correct emi.
information always costs

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on September 18, 2006, 12:11:33 PM
Although I find losing the counter harsh, if I wanna raid someone I first scout get ambushed, and I cant raid anymore. You shouldnt lose youre counter if you scout :(

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 18, 2006, 01:25:34 PM
It's the proce you pay, and ambushes are rare anyway, so it's not like it's going to hapen 7 out of 10 times, more like 1 out of 100 or 1000.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Hellsword on September 18, 2006, 02:49:40 PM
actually ambushes are quite common i see them at least 1/3 times...

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: SirEmi on September 18, 2006, 06:31:21 PM
There is a limit on the royalty someone can receive per day from another persorn, very sorry but it was put in to limit the abuse of the royalty feature.

This is in response to the royalty related questions.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on September 18, 2006, 07:00:04 PM
Design bug is not fixed.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 19, 2006, 12:59:26 AM
I thought royaltie was 2% of the ships hull you make for the person.  the TH make hulls for many of the top 10.  We get riped every time they buy one of thoes ships.  This has been one of the TH sorces of income since this feture was made.  This has allowed the TH to grow without having to resort to destruction of other alliances.  What is this limit now and since the TH is efffected so much how do we get get paid for all the ships we are currently selling.  As it is TH get screwed out of hundreds of trillions in royalties each day with the limit being the donation for $1.  we should have much more per ship that we sell and we are not and now you are even limiting this?  I say make sure the ships being purchased are being fielded.  TH dont mind waiting a few days for our money, to get this problem fixed.  but this limit with teh prices of ships now is just nuts we work hard for our rep and dont what to get screwed even more because a few abuse this.  you can see that most every ship purchase from the TH is fielded and ussed and not used to power boost the TH.  if you are going to limit this at least pay us our 2% per ship.

in response to this latest update all TH designs will now cost an upfrount cost of 10% the cost of the Hull before the sale.  All TH hulls will now become priviate.  that means at least 2,000 designs are now no longer on the market.  we have been getting the shaft for a few rounds on our designs and now with the huge ships being designed now we get nothing not even .0001 % of thier cost and now to make it even worse we are getting even more limits put on our ship design sales.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  I do like the game and you are doing a great job.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: SirEmi on September 19, 2006, 07:06:31 AM
The royalty limit was placed to limit the abuse of alt accounts beeing feed credits trough the royalty system, but I see your point too Frank, that's why all the Gold accounts will have unlimited royalty. If you have designers in your alliance that are not Gold, and they want the limit removed, they could get gold or receive the credits in other legal ways...

The limit for all non-Gold account is 3 royalty transfers per day for each commander that ever cloned a ship from the designer.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 19, 2006, 07:36:22 AM
E are you saying that we will get the full 2% for our hulls?  or are we still limited to just the $1 donations.  and as far as the gold for more than 3 transfers I can see your point and agree with that. however, since this rule is now in effect I believe we should get the full 2% for the hulls we sell.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration.  and othe opinions on this matter would be appreciated.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 08:45:52 AM
emi, how about a scout like stated in another post, were people get 100% attack disadantage when ambushed (no attack on your ships with the scout) that means, that there will be no, way people can hurt you with a scout, and there are ONLY to see your oppents ships...

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 19, 2006, 10:00:13 AM
Oh ars idea is awesome :wow:
I was scared to attack someone because he could destroy my powerships witch decoy, but from the other side its really important to have ability to check oponent ships if you have counter. Your idea could solve that.

I also like new galaxy missions system, now leveling is not ridiculously slow :12:

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 11:40:52 AM
Frank, you get the full 2% (at least, to my unerstanding of what Emi said you do), he just limited the amount of royalties a non-gold can receive, which is 3 (meaning if a non-gold's ship is cloned 3 times and bought 3 times, he cannot recieve any more royalties for that day.) For gold members, such as you and me, there is no limit to the amount of royalties you can recieve.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: ars68 on September 19, 2006, 01:42:47 PM
excuse me? Lamma's idea?  maybe you should go back to that 'other thread' lamma was talking about...
namely, the 'test thread' area, and one of those 3 threads... I think the one about items is it...
as you, see, that's my idea.  not that I don't actually mind lamma getting credit, as long as it's put in.  but you could at least look to see if the person you are giving credit to is really the one who made the suggestion, lol.  in fact... did you even READ his entire post???

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 01:45:16 PM
he probably did, but just didn't register who's idea it was.

Oh, and a suggestion, items have value, but we can't sell them. We should be able to.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on September 19, 2006, 03:07:14 PM
If I got the 2% for the ships I build for broni....

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 19, 2006, 03:08:40 PM
Uhm, im sorry ars :6: I thought it was some of his post. I found your post later.
Previous post fixed.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 06:34:03 PM
See, simple misunderstanding.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 06:41:14 PM
well emi? how about ars's idea? to make a scout option to see ships that can in no way do damage?

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 06:47:40 PM
hmm....I don't know, that kinda makes it hard to defend yourself, and defeats a big part of the game. If you can tell exactly what ships someone has, then you know exactly if you can or cannot win, so there's no they getting lucky and wiping you out, leaving you open to attacks.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:10:10 PM
everyone did it before, looking at others ships was only stopped like what? 2-3 days agao??

common i want it back already it real helpfull to know your balttles...

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:21:55 PM
that was by fake ship scouting, which left a counter (unless you scouted and got ambushed, in which case lucky you back then) so it was fair. Still, some people, like me, don't bother with finding out enemy ships because it means wasting credits instead of taking a risk, which is much more fun.

*10 posts*

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:23:09 PM
i rather be safe, probaly why my attacks are usally stait to the point, and hurt like hell :)

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:25:29 PM
could be, but people tend to wonder what the heck I'm going to do next, since I do things seemingly at random. Two different ways, same fear I guess. (secret, a lot of what I do IS random!)

*7 posts*

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 20, 2006, 02:00:19 AM
E there seems to be a problem with the mining stuff
it done do anything

Ok I tried a few differnt combinations and it is iffy I am not reall sure how it works but it was sometimes and not others

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 07:40:23 AM
hmm...well, I wouldn't know, never tried, but that sucks if it is/isn't working.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: SirEmi on September 20, 2006, 08:27:13 AM
I'll check the mining thing, it worked last time I looked at it... maybe the bonus to mining time from the specific item is affecting something.

Ars, I'll take the suggestion about no attack to scouting into consideration, but I would rather make another ability, e.g. Send spy, or cloaked frig to enemy and inspect fleets, get random info depending on the spy ability, and then you could use the info to prepare for the attack. Of course "Espionage" will determine the "Counter-Espionage" ability lol

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 08:35:17 AM
that would make it real complicated, i just want to see the ships, and if it gives your false info no one would use it

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 20, 2006, 08:50:23 AM
After doing many galaxy missions i have a lot items. Now i have to activate some (creds, workers, etc.) one by one.
Maybe better option could be changing radio selection into checkbox. So i could use all credits items at once.
But im not sure how for delayed items it would affect queue.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 12:02:53 PM
no lamma, what he's saying is you don't get all the info at once, just parts of it depending on your abilities vs their abilities. It actually sounds good, because then people could defend against it.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: ars68 on September 20, 2006, 02:39:37 PM
well... depending on what you do, it depends, E, from what I am thinking, the 2 best bets from what are here so far:

espionage: replace this with scout attack.  it's going to be the same thing, just broadening what the scout mission is looking for.

scout fleet: you will have to make sure it does NOT use up Items on the enemy fleet, otherwise it will give the attacking player to much of an advantage for it to work.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 06:16:01 PM
i just like to scout fleet, i dont want none of the complicated stuff, i just want to know what they have, for instance i have a counter on midnight right now... normaly i would scout him, see what he has and plan around it, but currently im screwed over beacuse i cant, ill have to go into a blind battle fail horridly and probaly for nothing to...

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 21, 2006, 03:13:42 AM
I like the espinoge plan add another CP for Espinoge and a CP for counter Espinoge. then add a mission espinoge you can send ships that are equiped for it the more Fleet power vs Fleet power and stuff ETC  add stuff to ships equipment like sensors and EW Electronic warfare/ jammers

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Gunfighter Frank on September 21, 2006, 03:34:36 AM
as far as getting the full 2% for our ships TH has not got the full 2% for any of our larger ship designs.  we are still stuck at only the $1 donation rate.  and since the # of royalties are now limited we should get the full 2% for all ship sales.   with us building ships that cost in the Quads now at least raise the max to more than the $1 donation.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Lightseeker_Eu on September 21, 2006, 03:38:53 AM
Yes, it could be djusted to a higher limit like max 8-10 x 1 dollar donation

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on September 21, 2006, 11:38:22 AM
yea, it shouldn't be limited like that.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Hellsword on September 22, 2006, 03:27:39 PM
yeah... shouldnt be unlimited, or else people are gettin 2 quad if i buy a 100quad ship, but liket 10x credits amount owuld be good... o andalso one mroe thing: how does the marine items work? in battle ur marines are x% better?

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Drackin on September 22, 2006, 11:28:29 PM
yeah if someone buys a ship i design worth 100 quad im gonna want my 2 quad!.. and as far as the marine thing goes i think you just take less losses. cause im pretty sure i didnt get a discount.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: ars68 on September 23, 2006, 02:13:47 PM
ya, took me a while to figure out what it meant as well... and as far as I can see it would be when the items are used, your marines are calculated as that much more marines on board.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Borg! on September 25, 2006, 03:47:17 AM
being gold account myself i still disaprove of the royalties thing because people will still "feed" there alts other ways because they always find a way around believe me  :wow: but this is effecting designers and should be prevented

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: PDJ on September 26, 2006, 12:14:57 PM
being gold account myself i still disaprove of the royalties thing because people will still "feed" there alts other ways because they always find a way around believe me  :wow: but this is effecting designers and should be prevented

Ditto... Stopping royalties undermines the value of an approach to the game.
Cheers, PDJ

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Borg! on September 26, 2006, 10:42:49 PM
i think it should max out at gold account bonus not 1$ bonus (so 10$)

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 04, 2006, 02:25:22 PM
borg, gold account costs $20 dollars, not $10, lol.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: bigbroni on October 04, 2006, 06:59:06 PM
just one Idear what reason should anyone have to support here ... and geting now benefit ... but getting real benefit else where ... - grow UP

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 05, 2006, 09:46:16 AM
Why don't you grow up bigbroni, and stop trying to slander g-unit. We're trying to solve the problem of people donating and having an easy win that's unfiar to those who don't have $100s of dollars they can waste, or can't donate because they have no credit card. It's called trying to make a fair game. Something i guessyou don't understand. As of lately,I haven't seen a single constructive post from you, only ones saying that we should be allowed to do whatever we want, and to stop complaining because you're in the #1 slot. I couldn't care if you were in 20th, the fact that a person can donate for an instant, easy climb isn't fair to those who work hard for their spot.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: ars68 on October 05, 2006, 09:23:29 PM
man, a LOT of people have some growing up to do...

I am only saying this once, so don't make me repeat it.

just one Idear what reason should anyone have to support here ... and geting now benefit ... but getting real benefit else where ... - grow UP
first off, what ARE you talking about?  reconstructing the sentence through the many typos... I believe you are asking what point there is to donating when there is no benefit...  where IS this coming from????  also, the point of donating ISN'T to get any benefit anyway.  the benefit is what E is giving to them in thanks to the donation.  the donation is to help support the site.  nothing more, nothing less.

Why don't you grow up bigbroni, and stop trying to slander g-unit. We're trying to solve the problem of people donating and having an easy win that's unfiar to those who don't have $100s of dollars they can waste, or can't donate because they have no credit card. It's called trying to make a fair game. Something i guessyou don't understand. As of lately,I haven't seen a single constructive post from you, only ones saying that we should be allowed to do whatever we want, and to stop complaining because you're in the #1 slot. I couldn't care if you were in 20th, the fact that a person can donate for an instant, easy climb isn't fair to those who work hard for their spot.

again... WHAT?  where has G_Unit came in???  luffy and bigbroni, start your own thread.  and if you have, STICK to that thread, please?  and not a single constructive post? fyi, THIS is not a constructive post either.  if someone could simply donate for an instant win, it would be hard to win, because there would be a LOT of people donating, meaning they all get huge benefits, but only 1 can have the top spot, meaning they then have to fight amongst themselves as well.  and even disregarding that fact, there are a LOT of people who donate a lot, but only bigbroni is in the number 1 spot.  and if it is such an important thing to donate, then how is lightseeker at the same spot, even though he never donated?  I for one congratulate bigbroni AND lightseeker, for being so high up.  maybe a little more to lightseeker, for not doing it with anyone's help, but a big congratulations to the both of them nonetheless.  in fact... why are we even DISCUSSING this here? this is about the item project ebing complete, NOTHING about donations. 

and now that that is out of the way:
donations CAN overpower an account.  I have seen it happen before.  I am NOT saying it has happened already, though it is possible, but without having donations limited, you are giving someone rich having the equivalent of a blackhole encounter whenever, wherever, without any defending fleets.  basically, free turns. well... not free, you are paying for it through real money, but the point is still there.

anyway, sorry if this post sounds whiny, but I for one am getting tired of this shouting match going on for something that is going to really last for another 1 1/2 week.  we should be congratulating the top 10, not tearing down even the smallest shred of good reputation they may have.  I dunno about you guys, but if this is what went on DDay's before hand, I for one am not surprised anymore in the least why people seem to always quit after finally making it to the #1 spot.  it's people like you that drive them away and make sure they never come back.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 08:09:05 AM
Ars, my post is semi-constructive at least, but whatever. G-unit got involved when Bigbroni started attacking Ducas, claiming ducas said he was bigbroni's executer in the thread about the possible feeding (topic is now locked) and for attacking both ducas and i at other areas of the forum on no grounds. This is but one post repremanding us for stating our opinion. Ever since a couple people got mad because bigbroni made his $30 donation and took first, I have not seen him make a helpful post, most of them merely tell us to shut up and quit whining, even when we aren't talking about him or donations. If we were, then I'd understand him having some ground to say something, and would not have commented that way on his post. But here we are talking about the limit on royalties, not donations. We were talking about having a different limit then the $1 donation amount for royalties, so designers could recieve Semi-proper payment for their work. He took what I said out of context and bent it to his will to make me look worse.

What I said is clear if you red the post before it.

I quote,
i think it should max out at gold account bonus not 1$ bonus (so 10$)
I then corrected him,
borg, gold account costs $20 dollars, not $10, lol.

It is obvious that we are not talking about donations at all, therefore I did nothing to deserve the treatment I was given in this thread by bigbroni.

And ars, I said an easier win, EASIER not INSTANT. Both you and Sir Emi seem to be having a hard time understanding the difference. A good portion of the top 50 are people who donated/donate. If they donate here and there, great I'm glad, that's fair and good. But quite a few of them donate EVERY time the get hit, just to double their power and hit us with a counter that is too strong and cause us normal players to be unable to continue normal play. You yourself have been a victim of this. I understand there is still work involved after a donation, never said there wasn't, nor am I stating bigbroni himself is one of these bad donators that is ruining the game, you all ASSUMED that. I personally have no problem with bigbroni or his donation, I'm glad he supported sir emi. While I think lightseeker deserves spot #1, that's because he worked harder, simply because he had no donation giving him a little boost, but bigbroni does deserve a top 2 spot, he IS a good player.

I am getting sick and tired of having to defend everything that I post, especially when NOTHING I said was offensive. I am being unfairly treated, have been for a while, and it is still going on. I am being treated unfairly, unjustly, and then told I should not only stand for it but if I do not stop defending myself I will be banned from both the game and the forum. Is that fair or just?

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on October 06, 2006, 09:02:17 AM
Why woud lightseeker deserve spot one, if it wasnt becus of the max of the game broni would be ahead by far. And lightseeker boughed so f**k**g much BH's from other ppl that makes more then up for broni's donations.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 09:39:04 AM
FTP, buying BH is an in game market thing, everyone does it, including bigbroni. And since there is a max, it doesn't matter where bigbroni would be. I agree, if there was no max, bigbroni should get #1, hands down. But because there is, and both of them reached it, Lightseeker about a week later I think, my personal opinion is lightseeker should take #1 for working just a little harder then bigbroni did. D-Day will decide who gets it, but I AM entitled to my opinion, same as you, you believe bigbroni deserves it, I believe lightseeker does. There's nothing wrong with that. I have defended my position on that long enough. I said bigbroni was a good player, lightseeker is just a little better, I apologized to bigbroni for the offensive comments, there is nothing left for you to be flaming me about.

And I may not be a mod, but you watch your language or I WILL report you.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: bigbroni on October 06, 2006, 12:50:27 PM
OK even if I take the risk to start all this flaming again, but sorry Seither ur wrong I did never ever buy a BH - when that BH buying started I was already maxed on cash - or close to it - and I just waited to max power - since weeks I never did use up my turns anymore simply due to having no use for them anymore ...

that BHs buying I was definatly not involved. - no offence - just to make this clear.

w/r bb

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 02:33:51 PM
that's fine, I understand, I just kinda assumed that high up you probably bought one or two when you were low on turns, it's all I ever here them talk about, lol.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on October 06, 2006, 04:49:53 PM
And I may not be a mod, but you watch your language or I WILL report you.

Youre talking about the sentence: F........ much?

I'm srry often ppl use it chatting to me and I kinda took it over cant promise I wont do it again.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 05:13:17 PM
Just don't do it too much too often, or atcually type the word out so the filter changes it. Bypassing the filter using **** is worse then the filter changing it.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on October 06, 2006, 05:29:40 PM
Thats how the filter makes it honey :), I would never type it that way xD

I ddint try to bypass it just try to make a post with the word in it you'll see the filter will alter it that way.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 05:38:43 PM
hmm....wierd, I thought the filter made different words out of it, instead of *ing it out....oh well.

Next topic, I'm assuming by your use of the word honey are a girl, never heard a guy use it, so correct me if I am wrong, just a little observation.

"I am who I am and I am..........hey director, what's my name again?"

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: FTP on October 06, 2006, 06:02:37 PM
It does with most words, but not this one.

On youre next topic thing, maybe I disapoint you but I'm not a girl. I'm just weird :), ppl do look to me like I;m totaly insane when i call someone honey xD But well I dont care :) I'm who I'm and I dont care about my name I'm just weird :)

At school we have a girl calling everything cute, a boy calling everythign chill another everything sexy, and I wjust call everyone honey when 'm sarcastic xD Long live the weird ppl :P

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Seither on October 06, 2006, 06:56:28 PM
No disappointment, just wasn't sure.

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: TheMerchant on October 21, 2006, 07:37:14 PM
hmmm... so will we be able to sell the earned items on the market eventually?

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: Remfer on October 22, 2006, 10:23:28 PM
That would be soo useful to have already.  i had like 20 items earned, and more than half of them got me workers or mining turns or a turn and i would have liked to get the cash value of them since mining is of no use to me at this stage or anystage so far in the game

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: TheMerchant on October 30, 2006, 01:11:50 AM
yo i still cant sell my junk from the galaxy and when it becomes something like this
Defence (21)
Hitpoints (40)
Attack (38)
Mining Time (34)

you kinda wanna start sellin stuff especially since that does not include
the items that i hve 29 plus stack on

Title: Re: The Items project complete
Post by: ars68 on October 30, 2006, 10:54:09 AM
well, as far as the attack, hp and defence ones go, just use them, they'll boost your next couple attacks and defend's, especially if you use them when you are expecting ana ttack, like when you log off.

the mining rate... just be patient, you are most likely going to be wanting those once the tech tree comes out, because literally it will give 2-3 times the reason to mine, other then add on to commander bonuses.