Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: Lammalord on September 14, 2006, 11:08:32 PM

Title: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 14, 2006, 11:08:32 PM
as of now there isnt really any point in going though the galaxy besides dumping hunderds of turns on nothing, or selling black holes to higher players.. there needs to be some reason to get people to use it more often..

and here are some things we can do...

1. Decrease the amount of turns used in the galaxy, its to high and is a waste of turns for most players

2. Raise the amount of encounters in the galaxy, so when people want to go looking for them they actally find a decent amount to keep going

3. make the encounters on average spawn more black hole, increasing the turn hunt, making it so that people wont lose turns as fast, or at all exploreing the galaxy

4. Make items (when they come out) that actally give turns over a spam of time (like a black hole of 450 turns spread over like 3-4 hours) and dont make them rare, make them as abundent as black holes.

5. increase the amount of reward giving in a galaxy contract so that they are worth doing, make decent item drops to.

6. just well, in the end make the galaxy more convitent or better, as of now its a complete waste of time and turns. they only thing it may benfit is the experence you get.. and well that still dosent really make up for the thousands of turns you spend on it...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 15, 2006, 04:20:40 AM
Yeah, i start exploring only when some event spawns in my quadrant :P
I suggested some improvement some time ago:
1. Encounters while traveling.
When a lot of ppl are doing galaxy encounters, if you have no luck, you might just waste turns for searching encounters, and get none.
Maybe add random generated encounter while performing jump to next planet in galaxy. It should be generated only for current player, and disspear if left behind.
I lost lot turns in previous round just to travel around empty galaxy.
- Prepare to jump
- Yes sir
- Speed 0.1c
- Speed 0.2c
- Whats that captain?
- Uhmm it looks like blackhole
- Should we abort jump?
[ Here player decides ]
- Yes, abort, we must check it
[ Player lost turns for jump, but can attack event ]

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: bigbroni on September 15, 2006, 05:08:45 AM
hum - I disagree with most u say lamma - I love the galaxy like it is atm the good thing here is u need to train other skills than for missions - mostly that new Warp skill - if that is trained galaxy is really fine (OK but that skill is kinda expensive I know ...). - Galaxy missions start to be benefical if ur power fits the mission size so at least at new round player with higher power like u, helli and me can start that from the bottom - than this missions will be good for us 2 ... atm I just started to get little more than base payment on galaxy missions - but I ll go forward - I ll touch the real good area sooner or later.

A proposal would be to make warp-skill cheaper next round and than everyone can decide to do old style missions or galaxy (in any way to do it).

old missions pay much better and train crews fast - galaxy trains ur cdr much faster than anything else

so thats the 2 poles we move between atm :-)

w/r bb

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 15, 2006, 08:50:08 AM
well other than the point that i hear you place p ships in the galaxy to hog areas.. for yourself.. and well i bet you still lose tons of turns sometimes on an unlucky day and get nowere... ya, i have had times were i got like 900 turns or 2000 turn gains, but that was only 2 times, and that dosnt make up for the hundreds i spent each day finding near nothing...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: bigbroni on September 15, 2006, 03:16:24 PM
I had ships in a sector ... I just thinking whos alt was it fighting them - but I have a idea who was it.  :21: - but ur info is kinda old - p-ships was like 10 days ago - (than that alt showed up) - than I had real ships there and the alt attacks did stop ... after some looses for him :-) (later I reserved my old mission ships in 1 system ...) and 2 days ago I took all fleets back into normal reserve - I simply did have no fun in having them displayed ... 

- so ur info is kinda out dated lamma - but at all it dosen t matter - I think galaxy is good like it is.

- and well I don t loose nor waste turns in galaxy ... I like it really and so wasting turns is not possible - I enjoy doing it ... :19:

w/r bb

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Soppe on September 15, 2006, 04:13:04 PM
its good for the top ppl, but we down here gotta strive for our encounters, encounters that u big guys are stealing too =P

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 15, 2006, 07:13:44 PM
there arnt many big encounts, like what i think emi said every spawn time gives like 2 big 4-5 midium and 2 small, majoiry of them are still to small for us bigger people, and we do them, just for the exp.. at least thats what i do

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: bigbroni on September 16, 2006, 03:32:30 AM
well I do only black holes under 4 bill power atm ... all other are to small for me and I don t waste 15 turns for a 30 mill super nova lol

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 16, 2006, 01:37:36 PM
i do anything above about 4 bil, but still its to much to do for actal gain, you just do them for exp..

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 16, 2006, 10:55:53 PM
man guys, you gotta understand, if E makes black holes and such to common, it will make the game COMPLETELY unwinnable to all except those who are both online the most and lucky in one way or another.

the only POSSIBLE alternative (that I can see, at least) is a special kind of fuel that is used to explore instead of turns, then have those common, as they would only help in actually travelling.  but even THEN, it has the inherent problem of just simply making black holes to common: people online all the time will simply snag them all up and enjoy a nearly unlimited gameplay of turns (except in this case fuel, but point remains, it would be inavailable for those others who also need them)

what if Sir E were to make a certain chance event when travelling, to give you the chance of gaining fuel, like finding an abandoned fuel depot or something...
or give players an alloted like 1-5 fuel per turn...
or make an item in galaxy missions that give fuel...
or make a special kind of gates that allow travel between 2 of them free of charge (this one I kinda like most)

think of it, you would have your 'gates' to allow a lot more turn effiecent travel... however, if need be, you will always be able to travel without them.  it will also be able to implement later things to them, like an alliance controlled (or player controlled) gate, that is lockable, available only to freinds.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 16, 2006, 11:45:40 PM
how about like for your encrytion level you get fuel, so like lets say 500 trillion gallons of fuel, is about 500 turns worth, and thats level 1 ecrption, so you get more fuel for leveling up. and can hold more.. so humm like 50 trillion more gallons per level or mabey even less..

and thats per day.. so as your level goes up you can hold more fuel and therefore traval around the galaxy useing it more often...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 17, 2006, 12:03:03 AM
ok, but not much point in having 1 bil fuel to equal 1 turn.  you may as well make it 1 for 1.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 17, 2006, 05:21:33 PM
just trying to make up reasonable sizes for the ships lol, would sound odd if it would only take 15 gallons of fuel to fly a 15 trillion lightyears to a different galaxy in massivly sized ship :p

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 17, 2006, 09:33:19 PM
1: you don't know what kind of fuel it is using, it may really only take that much to do it.
2: there is an easy answer for that: call it a 'standard unit' then never say just how big the 'standard' is  :P

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 17, 2006, 09:54:47 PM
well humm im sorry i refuse to place 8 gallon tanks into 5 quad credit ship...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 17, 2006, 10:04:46 PM
well, in that case...
*swipes lammalord's 8 gallon container full of fuel to use in high energy effecient engine*
*develops high energy effecient engine, builds, then installs it*
*goes for a free 10 million lightyear trip halfway across the galaxy*

-incoming transmission from halfway across the galaxy-

thanks for the fuel lamma, it was great
                                                       leader of G_Unit

-end transmission-

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 17, 2006, 10:06:47 PM
"you fixed the gas leak in it right? beacuse if you didnt the ship should explode shortly after exciting hyperspace"

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 17, 2006, 10:51:53 PM
"good thing I put in an anti-explosive self-repairing engine as well as high energy effieient... still..."
*ejects the gas can just prior to exiting hyperspace*
*receives call from secret base, asking what happened, they saw a huge explosion like a sun going off in our area*

that wasnt a can of fuel, that was a can of high energy fusion powered explosives  0o  I thought you were sharing your fuel, lamma, not your arsenal, lol


now how am I supposed to get back?  :21:  I suppose I have to take the long way now.

a coupling of ideas:
special gates allowing free roam between select few stars
it costs fuel to go through them each time.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 18, 2006, 01:52:14 PM
Ars, you need to learn how to make these games, if you made a game with all your ideas, it would kick most if not all games butt with ease.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Hellsword on September 18, 2006, 03:32:51 PM
if ars made a game, with all his ideas itd be confusin as hell and updating 6 or 7 times a week lol....

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Iamcatfu on September 18, 2006, 04:47:46 PM
I think the best idea, though not the easiest, for that would be like you'd build muscle.  You work the muscle and work and you gradually get stronger (though it would be gradually more efficient in this case).  I agree with Lamma that there would also have to be a scalar value, so that bigger ships are slower until you upgrade their engines and whatev.  Heh, or you could add an "engines" component that would affect the time needed to travel, do missions, etc.  Either for each ship or for your mothership, and the bigger it gets, the more engine power you need.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 18, 2006, 08:34:20 PM
ho about an add on to the design ship hull:
scanner: percentage of hull is used for scanners, decreasing time to salvage
engine room: percentage of hull used for extra engine, decreasing travel time

wait a sec... scanner maybe... but engine room? that needs to be on mothership buildings, lol.

engine bay: the more segments devoted to the engine room, the faster travel is.  the bigger the mothership, the more engine room needed to keep down travel time.

keeping it a ratio would be best way, then it could just be the ratio of engine room to total segments, times travel time.

this of course, comes at a cost some may find to big a price, and others a price that is insignifacant, for now:
the faster travel time will mean less over all room for warehouses, biofarms, and workshops and other things.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 09:31:12 AM
ya lol create an engine for travling? that would have to be a mothership upgrade...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 11:46:58 AM
Too much like Pardus and other games out there. BAN IDEA! BAN IDEA! This game has become Pardus like enough. We want original, not the same. Let's keep at least some of the original features alone, instead of overhualing everything.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 19, 2006, 01:14:53 PM
lol, relax luffy, we aren't putting in everything about pardus into this game, lol.  and besides, if it works really well in another game, why would you not want to use it, instead of working for weeks to months trying to find another way, just to find theirs was the best anyway, and youg o with it after all?

anyway, one thing I will suggest though, is that looking for missions will be much easier, if it is automatically sorted by turn distance.  as it stands now, you may travel 80 some turns to waht you think is the single mission nearest you, just to find out on the 3rd page from where you were looking, there were 5 missions, all half the distance as the single one you did.

300-500 missions is to much to hunt through for the shortest destination, especially if the galaxy gets more active, because then by the time you find the closest one, someone may have already taken it.


oh, and Luffy, do you know how much of an overhaul on about everything, would be required just to make this game LIKE Pardus?  not just like it, but I mean even around the same principles as Pardus?  for one, you are comparing a mostly text based game to a 2-d graphical game, and that right there kills off 75% of all similarity. this game, as long it keeps it's free design system, could never be like others, as far as I know.  in that way, it will more then likely always be unique.

anyway, the jump gate idea, is not from Pardus anyway, it is more or less from MOO3, in Pardus you cannot just jump from one sector to another, you HAVE to go around, going through wormholes.  and that's not what I was saying.  I was saying lanes of travel that save fuel, but is NOT necessary. the turn amount to go about without using them would be same as it is now, so not to bad, over all.  but I feel this would then be able to based off of for future developments as well.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 01:58:56 PM
I'm not saying it is exactly like pardus, but there are more simularities then you guys are willing to admit. And most of the suggestions I've seen, 90% of them come straight from pardus. Different types of weapons that do different amounts of damge depnding on the type of armor they attack? Pardus.

The using segments to make a faster engine is probably the best bet, as it is less pardus like, and requires you to figure out how to balance that as well, forcing you to choose how you play more. Only problem is that if you put almost all your segments into engine, then you could travel a great distance for 1 turn. Maybe having a % limit on it would make it better.

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 06:57:17 PM
or lets not even go with that engine idea and just stick with having fuel be used as an alternet way to traval the galaxy without turns.. and mabey have your max-fuel capitcy be based on what encryption level you have, the more level you have the more fuel you can get.. and mabey even the faster you get it..

aka level 1 encyption - max fuel 150 per day (it would be like the vote, every 24 hours [not ever 24 hours and 30 min though!], you can click "resupply fuel" and get that amount) and 150 fuel is worth 150 turns.. (that isnt much, mabey 1-3 quadernts at most)

then level 2 is 175 max fuel
level 3 is 200
4 225
5 250

and so on.. this makes people want to raise encrpytion more to get more fuel, so that then they can traval the galaxy further, and it makes the encryption alot more usefull to ALL players... hell even i would want to raise my level, more encryption = 25 more fuel per level.. thats good! (and 25 isnt that much, 25 turns is mabey 1-3 stars at most)

well what you start it off at will depend on what emi may want, it wouldnt be that bad if level 1 starts off with only 25 fuel.. or even 0 (making you have to get level 2 before you can use fuel).. but the point is this will make people like the galaxy more, it will get people to use it more, it will make everyone want to raise encrption, and it would be an update (for once) that everyone would want...

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 06:58:57 PM
yea, good point lamma, it would add more to encryption levels then just small useless rewards.

*16 posts*

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:00:22 PM
we would need to think of a fancy name for the fuel :p.. and spacey name lol it better be good

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:13:57 PM
How about Astro Cosmic Goo?
Solar Converted Star Dust?
Antimatter Hyperpropulsion Combustible Transportation Liquid?

That's all i can think of that would be good. I like the last one myself.

*13 posts*

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:14:36 PM
the last one has big words, i like that the best :)

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:27:04 PM
Yea, it sounds all technical, like it actually means something that it doesn't, like quantumpyshical partical beams and stuff like that.

*5 posts*

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: ars68 on September 19, 2006, 11:48:31 PM
Fractured Uranium Enriched Lumps, or fuel for short :P

ok... bad joke.

Ion Charged Fusion Cells, or ICFC for short
Subatomic Trinnium Astro Reactor drive. or, STAR drive for short :P
Subatomic Fusion Cells, or SFC, lol.

hmm... who knows? ya, you might have the best cool sounding name, but what will that look like, looking at it everyday?

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Lammalord on September 20, 2006, 12:04:07 AM
true, i like your last one lol, easy to reamber shortcut, and well sort of short, its good

Title: Re: Give the Galaxy a Point Again!
Post by: Seither on September 20, 2006, 07:20:57 AM
lamma, on the sig, technically, there are no seas.......but nice to know my sig still exists in the background!

And if we use any, the s.t.a.r. drive one was best, jsut because it makes sense.