Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: thezerg on September 13, 2006, 10:51:56 PM

Title: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: thezerg on September 13, 2006, 10:51:56 PM
In my alliance we get like 100+posts a day(beacuse all my members are newbs). If i need to make an announcement for everyone to read. It just gets buried under a bunch of other posts. If you could make something that only the leaders had the ability to post on, that would be a big help

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Lammalord on September 13, 2006, 11:46:37 PM

like 2 boards, a allaince board, then a Anoucment or buliton board, or better yet, give allaince leaders the ablity to make there own board to have sort of like a "miniform" for his own allaince.. and the leader is sort of like the adim of this "mini fourm" thing.. i used to play a text based game like that, but the allaicnes were not limeted some had hunderds of ppl...

a min fourm type thing that each allaicne leader can create would help both of our problems, i can easly catagorize whats needed and whats not needed, then delete all the old, and unneeded post in one swoop, and then i can have different topics and stuff to make it easer to orgonize (many times i log on to see 4-5 different questions, and my answers or responces get muddled up and stuff..

so then you can keep clean orgonized, and be able to help out everyone in need of help.. extending to make the allaince more convient would be a great idea...

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Seither on September 14, 2006, 01:33:06 PM
Great idea, which means odds are it won't get implemented.

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Seither on September 14, 2006, 01:50:51 PM
Sir Emi, I'd love to help out more, as I'm sure lamma would too, but we have no power to do anything. We can't ban users from the forum for spamming (like those stupid spam bots) we can't do ANYTHING a mod on other forums can, in fact, we're like $1 an hour blind janitors who don't get paid that $1 an hour! What do you expect us to do?

We understand you are busy, which is why we ask for more power, to do the things you don't have time for. You've got to start trusting us with more power or we can't help, it's that simple.

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: SirEmi on September 14, 2006, 01:56:13 PM
The topic Intended to reply was here, sorry

Those bots will have a hard time now, as they need to activate the account with email confirmation, so we'll see how it goes...

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 15, 2006, 04:27:19 AM
There is really easy solution :12:
Add link to aliance website. In every other web based game there is that link, than people register on free forum services, like thats all, but now when i post link to board it got burried, and probly no one is reading that :wounded1:

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: thezerg on September 18, 2006, 10:09:52 PM
Still, they don't take the time to check an off site webpage every day, or even if they do, it would still be faster just to post it on the alliance page with the little flag

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 09:28:41 AM
ya i think its best to have maxumum 5 catagorys or something.. just so we have a little orgonization in the allaince board

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 12:07:17 PM
ya, that would be nice.

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Lammalord on September 19, 2006, 07:02:35 PM
and it would give you the ablitly to delete entire sections, so you can keep it cleaner, im sorry, but i dont like the 1500 unneded posts my allaince has already, in what? 2 weeks...

Title: Re: Alliance Notice Board
Post by: Seither on September 19, 2006, 07:05:07 PM
ya, there are a lot of unneeded posts that just waste space, making it hard to recap what has happened from when you left to when you returned.

*15 posts*