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Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: ars68 on August 17, 2006, 03:45:47 PM

Title: galaxy missions
Post by: ars68 on August 17, 2006, 03:45:47 PM
ok, I know this is mostly what I put in the update section already for galaxy missions alreaqdy, but I figure this should help keep it more organized.

anyway, this what I beleive Sir E should re-do in the galaxy mission set up, then there would be no problem at all with them.  you can still have the mothership missions for paying a flatout fee of 15 turns, or you can chance it with galaxy for potentially less turns, or a lot more.

instead of having the E-level be a flat out reward, set it up to where the E-level is the % difficulty for the missions.  then you can still limit the special items and rewards to certain E-levels, which then would mean they will always be so hard to actually get, rather then just gathering up a ton of ships and easily winning missions that are supposed to actually be quite hard.

like, you will start seeing certain rewards at:
credits/segments/workers = 1%
common items = 10%
rare items = 50%
starbases = 100%
planets = 150%

this, of course, also goes with my original thoughts about it, to instead have it where higher missions give you more points to the same point requirement for a new level, instead use a fraction in the reward, so that really all missions are worth the same, and you always have the same amount of points to get to, however, the points you will receive will lower everytime you do a mission smaller then how big a mission you can do.

just about everything else, you could keep exactly how you have it, E.  just these 2 problems right here with it is what I feel are the biggest problems with it, if not the only real problems. and unless I misread what you plan on doing with these missions somewhere, it should also fit perfectly into your plans for it as well, as you will still have the E-level requirements, and everything.  just the reward and difficulty would actually be based on your own size, rather then fixed.

oh, also, instead of having the galaxy missions be based off of fleet power only (or whatever you have it now) have the galaxy missions be based off of your total power.  this will REALLY make the higher up missions much harder to actually get, as you will not only have to face a fleet worth your fleet power, but relative to your base power as well.

if it need to be fairer, you could always make it to where it uses the fleet power, then a certain % of your total power.  but the will insure that someone with 10 tril credits can't just make 100 mil ship then start doing 100%+ missions with them.