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Space Odyssey Info Terminal => Updates => Topic started by: SirEmi on August 13, 2006, 04:38:22 PM

Title: New interest system
Post by: SirEmi on August 13, 2006, 04:38:22 PM
The interest system has been ballanced to match the workers production cycle, it works like this:
If you are a Gold member, you are favored in keeping liquid assets, if you have 50 billion workers and 50 interest you would notice the production of the workers will equal the credits gained by interest. The only difference at this point is the workers growth, that increases at a much slower rate then interest, but still 2 x growth for Gold members. This works until you reach 100 billion in the stash at witch point you may consider investing in workers to keep the same profit margin. For non-Gold, the workers will produce more then the stash, so they are better off investing in workers from the start. The penalty is less liqud assets to work with.

Detailed info:
Interest increments by 0.01%  for every 100 million, up to 10% for 100 billion, more then that will decrease for each 100 million by 0.01%, to a minimum of 2% per day. Values are for Glod members,  for others interest and growth are half those values.

e.g.: You have 50 billion workers and 50 billion credits. Provided you are Gold, you receive 2.5 billion in production from workers, and 2.5 billion in interest from stash, the base interest whitout skills will be 5% per day. For non-Gold, they will receive 2.5 billion from production, and 1.25 billion from interest, at the interest rate of 2.5% per day.

Workers will always have a bonus, due to their own growth rate. The growth rate of workers is slower then interest, e.g. 1.2% at 100 billion workers for Gold, and 0.6% for non-Gold.

God Speed coommanders!

P.S.: The items system will be the next add-on, looks cool so far :)

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: FTP on August 13, 2006, 06:33:58 PM
Why let it decreas again? That kinda sux :S

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: ars68 on August 13, 2006, 08:35:31 PM
ok... I got perfectly the reasoning behind the first part... but what I want to know is the same as FTP...

sir E, what DOES making your interest and growth go back down to a minimum of 2% daily have ANYTHING to do with it, and for that matter, WHY would you need it to go back down?  it would seem the only purpose that would serve is to further help those at 100 bil, putting the lower and higher people at a disadvantage.  literally, the fastest pace of growth would be AT 100 bil, no more no less.  that just seems a bit...  weird.

especially when you already have the biofarm system set up to limit the max number of workers to how many biofarms you have...  so I suppose the big question probably everyone is wondering, is what gives with making it lower after being so high?

is that itself supposed to be what always keeps it more worth it then workers??  I still don't get it then, because workers would be under the same penalty, plus the same penalty they have had, being a limited max due to biofarms, which means once you hit that practical limit of gaining biofarms, it will STILL be more worth it just to switch to stash.

and for that matter, making stash more worth it at the end has ALWAYS made sense to me:
you use the workers as a 'safety net' if you will, and then use the stash as the main money making thing, along with being able to use it for other stuff.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Lammalord on August 14, 2006, 01:07:36 AM
beacuse he knew that after a certain power that everything resloves around intrest, largley due to maxing out ship sizes.. so he know that he can complety mess up players that work hard to get there money beacuse now they have no way of gaining decent money via intrest...

i dont know emi HAS been picking on the higher up players latley.. really doing anything he can to handycap anyone who gets into the top ten, i mean this intrest thing, then encounters power resovles around players ranked 20-200 thing the less encounters thing, the galaxy missions giving no decent money thing..  i mean "what can he think up of next..." "to completly handycap the top ten even more..."

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Soppe on August 14, 2006, 10:23:13 AM
idk. maybe he wants u to actually fight for the top 10 spot?? besides, it wont be easier for others when they get to top ten. were all in this together. sounds like ur afraid of ppl catching up on u  0o

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Chronos on August 14, 2006, 11:04:02 AM
and for that matter, making stash more worth it at the end has ALWAYS made sense to me:
you use the workers as a 'safety net' if you will, and then use the stash as the main money making thing, along with being able to use it for other stuff.

That doesn't mean that was the way it was meant to be. Besides stash is a liquid asset, workers are much more solid. Workers take more investment, therefore they should be worth more, don't you think?

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: fat monkey13 on August 14, 2006, 02:58:38 PM
I don't know what you're complaining about, you'll still be making a profit on your stash. Say you have 100 billion and 5% interest. Thats 5 billion in interest. A bit later, you have 500 billion at 2% interest. Thats 10 billion credits. Whilst it's only twice as much, it still means that you're getting more money than you were before. It means that you'll have to use your money more wisely and actually work to keep hold of a top spot, but that's got more interesting then just sitting letting your stash win the game for you.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Soppe on August 14, 2006, 04:20:47 PM
yeah thats kinda what theyr afraid of, having to fight for the spot. the way they play it, it could just be a single player game.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: ars68 on August 14, 2006, 09:44:52 PM
well, don't be looking at me when you say complaining about working to keep top 10.  I'm NOT in top 10, and have never once yet finished in top 10, so handicaps like this would be helping me, but even I don't get how making it decrease does anything, other then slow people down a bit once they get so high.  and that 2% for gold.  non-gold people like me will have 1%.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Chronos on August 14, 2006, 10:01:32 PM
... but even I don't get how making it decrease does anything, other then slow people down a bit once they get so high.

What's wrong with that?

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Hellsword on August 14, 2006, 11:27:02 PM
whats wrong with it is yo ustart to get multiple weapon penalty on your biggest ships, and hten ship size maxes out, so with 1% interest you still have to do missions which means ya cant go too high...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on August 15, 2006, 07:01:30 AM
But why workers growth is also so low? I though that stash interest was too high, because it was giving more money than workers.
Now they produce more money than stash, but its easy to loose them, they cant be sold, and only way to get them is missions/encounters/buy. Ok, maybe i have not enough... But my growth is so small that its funny :P I get 10 times more workers from 1 mission, than from all day growth. (I have enough farms...)
I dont have negative growth but i guess its same as in previous round, right? If so, my hard earned workers will die quick? :21:

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Chronos on August 15, 2006, 01:26:06 PM
whats wrong with it is yo ustart to get multiple weapon penalty on your biggest ships, and hten ship size maxes out, so with 1% interest you still have to do missions which means ya cant go too high...

What's wrong with having to do missions? And, remember, it's fair for everybody. The only real complaint I see people making is that it makes it harder to stay big once you get there. And I say to that, so what? It's still easier to stay big then it is to become big.

But why workers growth is also so low?

Worker growth might grow significantly larger when you have more workers. But remember, Sir Emi has been cutting back interest and growth by ginourmus proportions. So we'll all have to endever more into other pursuits, such as missions or player bashing. I believe that might have been some of his intentions.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Hellsword on August 15, 2006, 04:43:01 PM
but this will keep people lower, because of hte fact you cant go too hgih and still do missions ,and nwo oyu need to do misions...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Chronos on August 15, 2006, 07:15:40 PM
And? So what?

It's still possible to grow indefinentally. It's just a lot slower as you get bigger.

What's wrong with slower growth?

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: ars68 on August 15, 2006, 09:23:28 PM
when I say it makes it harder for people so high, I mean it makes it harder for EVERYONE who gets so high.  it doesn't help people catch up at all.  maybe for a bit, but only as long as it takes them to hit that speed bump as well.

and another thing, EVEN at 5%, or whatever, it is STILL more worth it to just do missions if you are doing that.  in a normal day of 'levelling up' my account (or at least what I call it) I may have 10B of workers.  ok, but by the time I am done with missions for that 1-2 days alone, I may go to 20-30B, just by doing missions, as in not being picky, just doing whatever mission I find, except for segments.

no, what I found growth and interest the most useful for, is when someone manages to raid your base everyday, growth and interest makes sure the loss isn't to horrible, as most of it can simply be regained through that.  but I have seen one single raid take up to (literally, I counted and took % estimate) 5% of everything you have in secret base.  ONE raid.  and you only as low as 1% a day?  especially when they can do up to 5 raids a day?

and before you say, well that's good, you are now able to damage those with huge bases, well, this will then hurt you to.  if you are actually taking down someone's secret base, that means after a while you may not have as much a base to raid, especially if they are inactive, which this will hit big time.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Hellsword on August 16, 2006, 05:13:55 PM
with thiss, something liek how lunanova was cant happen this round... you dont play you start sliding down hill FAST... which means ya go away fro a few days your really screwed... some kind of vacation mode setting or something should be added in now since ya cant make nything off bases...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: ars68 on August 16, 2006, 05:18:04 PM
which is still pointless.  as soon as someone starts taking your segments away, you go down hill extremely fast.  losing up to 20% of everything everyday, plus negative worker growth until you have little to nothing, until all you have is your stash, then that will go down super fast since that will be almost everything, so when you get even 10% a day, you lose almost 20% of it.

so ya, are there still anyone here who disagree's with a vacation mode for when you go away for a couple months or something?

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on August 16, 2006, 06:35:39 PM
I want vacation mode, while workers will produce creds :)) :notworking:
No really, vacation mode would be nice...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: SirEmi on August 17, 2006, 09:22:36 AM
We will have a vacation mode, it's been on my list for a while now, I will inplement it next, thank you for the feedback

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: ars68 on August 17, 2006, 03:17:38 PM
anyway, back tio what I really just wanted to know...

what DOES having the interest go back down have to do with exactly, with what you were saying originally? I just didn't get that...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on August 17, 2006, 08:18:25 PM
That interest info is displayed in base now.
Interest increments by 0.01% for every 100 million, up to 10% for 100 billion, more then that will decrease for each 100 million by 0.01%, to a minimum of 2% per day. Values are for Gold members, for others interest and growth are half those values.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: charmuska on August 21, 2006, 01:07:47 AM
What this means for non-gold members (in case anyone was wondering):

Having between 100 and 250 billion credits in your base is pointless!

What do I mean?

The math: at 100 billion credits, you earn 5% interest.  This means you get 5 billion credits/day.
At 150 billion credits, you earn 5-(500*.005)=2.5% interest.  This means you get 3.75 billion credits/day.
It is not until 250 billion credits, when you have been at 2% interest for a while, that you again earn 5 billion credits/day.

This gap of earning is not helped by putting points in increased interest, as shown below:
100 billion * 5%*(1+[interest bonus/100]) = 5 billion + 50 million*interest bonus
increases faster than
150 billion * 2.5% * (1+[interest bonus/100]) = 3.75 billion + 37.5 million*interest bonus

In short, unless you're gold, don't bother having 101-249 billion credits in your base.

Edit: I believe the same holds true for gold, as they simply earn 2x the interest of non-gold.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Midnight44 on September 02, 2006, 06:13:37 AM
Yes, something needs to be done about the growth and interest. I don't think that the interest is too bad, but I do think that workers need to generate more credits. I gain 20x more credits off of interest than I do workers in one day. I think that workers' growth and credit production should be increased by a factor of 5-10(at least). Workers migh be more valuable than they were before, but they are still a weak asset.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 02, 2006, 01:50:56 PM
It would be cool if workers could be cheaper, like 10 workers per credit :)
Atm. buying workers is plain waste of money...
If i could buy, lets say 50bil workers for 10bil creds, that would be good.

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: Lammalord on September 02, 2006, 01:57:10 PM
oh and make workers be like 10 tril workers for 100k biofarms, beause now i have 800k biofarms, and 15 tril workers with a -8.6% gain on them.. gay?!?

and i peronaly like the old intrest thing better, i liked making that money with intrest, emi you sort of made the game easier to win, before sure som1 could go off and upgrade as fast as they can, but they will never know that this guy thats 1/5th his power is gaining 10x more intrest than he can make in a day.. you pretty much took one of the biggest concepts out of the game.. makeing the only way to win is by whoever can upgrade the fastest... and not who can use money and stragey to grow...

Title: Re: New interest system
Post by: UberPWNZ0R on September 02, 2006, 03:14:23 PM
Or maybe remove cap for segments from missions, 1500 segments from mission at higher level is not enough. Income from trading food from biofarms is acually nothing.