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1  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 08, 2012, 05:23:35 PM
Well, back in.. wait why are we talking here? oh cause I don't sign into msn anymore XD

back in San Diego - India was for school 1 going to Europe/Korea in the winter it looks like :p

still writing, editing, school, work at the plantation (heh).  been most active here:  with writing and poop as of late, and well, sea-o of course.. now I'm in first by about 1000x cause of the abusers... they kept powering up in a 4-man group, spawning huge missions they never did (cause they just cheated to get bigger)...  soooo naturally they kept spawning me tons of wonderful missions, which resulted in me now having 1.5 quad and 2nd place having like 10 tril >.<  I could probably max off interest with how slow the game plays now.
2  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 08, 2012, 02:13:00 PM
*points at self* I'm good at that XD

normally multiple messages to emi, and if he doesn't reply in like 3-4 days, a forum post rant :p
3  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 08, 2012, 02:14:09 AM
he probably got A LOT of top ten's because of that bug... sucks it took this long to find it - If i was playing, trust me, I woulda reported suspicious behavior years ago.  I noticed that kind of poop cause I'm on way to f-ing much and know when someone is powering up a bit too fast or something.
4  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 06, 2012, 10:16:35 PM
Yeah, this was a big bug that went unnoticed for a long long time..  I'm glad it finally got caught, the spaceo players may of hidden it, but these guys on sea-o made it way to obvious...

Yeah, another will always come up, but its better to remove them when they surface.  back when I played spaceo i found sooo many bugs and told emi of all of them.  sometimes when he didn't think it was a big deal I abused the bug to prove it was (normally getting reset)

Abusing the Bounty
Trading in the Market
the space-glitch that allowed you to make a ship have millions of space but cost only the amount of a ship with 3 space... (rounding issue)
being able to hit a gold 10x with a slow connection and possibly win in multiple times...

- there were tons I don't remember too..  I just hate when people find these things and decide to exploit them instead of telling emi to get them fixed...
5  General Talk / Report Abuse / Re: OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 05, 2012, 04:18:46 PM
I think it does..

2012-03-05 10:16:36
Thank you


Thank you for the report on the exploiters, I've did a thorough investigation and found what they where using and fixed it. There where exploiting a bug to gain credits from insurance on mothership contracts.

I've zeroed the exploiters.

Thank you,

Sir Emi

-- something I never thought of, that I'm not sure was fixed in main either.. emi should look into it on main, see if anyone's been doing it.
6  General Talk / Report Abuse / OH no's an unknown bug / Abuse / Feeding? on: March 05, 2012, 04:59:42 AM
Sigh, I hate posting here for sea-o poop since this is obviously spaceo's forum, but since sea-o is so neglected I doubt a report there would ever get noticed / cared for.

I also messaged Emi in-game, but got a "I'll check it out" then nothing has happened in the last few days except the suspected player increasing their power by 10x again, feeding another player 600 trillion (500 trillion more than what 1st had before the bug was used), and probably now feeding/teaching the bug to a third player.

He's probably been using the bug for a d**n long time - I was suspicious when the player (Fastattack) went from 200 bil power (after being 0red, most of that was actual ships too, smaller ones, not his leads) to 21 trillion power (no encounters/missions).  Then he jumped again to 42 trillion (both cases FULL marines) - but I let this slide. 

IT wasn't until a second player (Hedgehog) went mysteriously from 200 mil power (full fleets) to 650 billion power (cash only) overnight.

Then figuring maybe he just had a bunch of money, or that the bug takes up resources that he'd have to actually play to get back I kamied his top two ships (taking him down to 21 trillion) instead, he powered up (again) to 280 trillion (probably full marines) and a third player has now gone from 2 trillion to 40 trillion overnight with no missions/encounters.

At this point the abuse is retardly obvious, the "big players" getting a bit bigger was one thing, but going from 2 tril power (no marines) to 280 tril power (full marines) in a week without missions is impossible, no matter how much was saved.  and going from 200 mil (full fleets) to 650 bil (650 tril cash in hand)  over night is also impossible.

Please Emi for the love of God fix this - and not just "fix the bug"  reset/remove/ban the players taking place, they know full well they are doing it and know full well they are abusing the game.  they found something and decided instead of telling you about it to abuse it for their own gain.  At this point I think these players may of known the bug all along (maybe a bug fixed in a spaceo patch that wasn't fixed in sea-o) and probably came into the game knowing full-well they were going to abuse it in an attempt to "prove me wrong" with winning every round.  I expected a fair fight, but this is just stupid.
7  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 10, 2011, 05:05:05 AM
lol and yes, my first account was 20 something - doesn't mean I count it because i never f**k**g played it, made an account, left and never looked back for about 1 year.

Lost Soul (#1108)

lol, what a joke.  You have any "real" old accounts, or are you just naming off ones you never played.  Doesn't mean poop if you didn't place top ten!  Doesn't make you a "vet" player because you found the game when you were 10 and made an account lol.

hell, if we're playing the "who has the oldest account" game I actively played the account minion which was #1003 but I mistakenly gave the password to someone I thought I could trust who deleted it..

Lol, and you've placed top 10 once, in 10th, I bet that account isn't even yours - why don't you log onto it?
8  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 09, 2011, 03:11:26 PM
awww how cute, you joined it 3 years ago... I joined it 8 years ago so yes, you just joined the game.

also borg, Wonder who you got that idea from XD
9  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 09, 2011, 01:42:14 AM
if you want pvp just have everyone switch over to sea-o.. its a great server for pvp, except no one plays it...  if it simply had an active player base it'd be by far the best server of them all..  just like main used to be when everyone liked it, except with things to make pvp better (ie the diminishing neb - eventually at an 8 hour neb your gonna mess up with those 13 fleets) or more expensive space stations (to slow down maxing of line and other things via the galaxy)

stop trying to complain to emi to "put spaceo back to what it was" and realize he's ALREADY DONE THAT YEARS AGO WITH SEA-O.

PS. I love how Comatose used the term "Used to" as if he's played with me before and knows how I play...  As if he's certain I could never play spaceo and dominate again - really, its not that hard.  but of course you'd never know, so stop making assumptions and ask the people who've actually played with me how much of a player I was (and still am) You'd never be able to handle my server were as I could probably half-assedly take on spaceo and place top, though it'd be a boring-ass way to prove a point.
10  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: alt abuse on server elite on: November 06, 2011, 03:51:28 PM
you also got some feeding on the server i noticed. and when dday was starting to boot. feeding another account into the top 10 on dday to get the gold days? shame.
11  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 06, 2011, 03:45:55 PM
eh, it may take me a week or two to catch on, there would be plenty of people willing to teach me the game, but with no pvp it seems extremely boring.  the only reason i played the game was the fact that you could hit someone and take out weeks of work in an instant, how you could, by yourself, take on the entire game and win... without that the game sucks.

sea-o is like that though, its how spaceo used to be when everyone liked it.  Not quite sure why people seem to hate on it when most never tried it - or try it and quit cause "there are no active players" (see the paradox there?)
12  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 06, 2011, 01:06:01 AM
Lamma, honestly, stop trying to promote a half-assed server on Space-O's boards..we need players too, remember?

Emi, what are the new rewards?

I'm sorry if you don't have the skill level to take on a server with no noob protections and bonuses (special ops) on attacks/counters.  I know it requires quite a bit more skill and, most (you probably included) can't handle it.
13  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Voting rewards increased and voting system improved on: November 05, 2011, 08:23:30 PM
omg please put this update on sea-o!! anything to boost membership on the best server ever (which only sucks cause of no players, not the actual game mechanics)
14  Space Odyssey Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Server upgrades tomorrow around 12 PM EST on: September 22, 2011, 12:58:02 PM
I been noticing contracts won't spawn when an Insurrection is going on in Elite - is this supposed to happen?
15  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: something needs to be done on: October 10, 2010, 11:19:19 PM
can't we just simply stop the hole kyle's found that makes him grow so fast?  that would solve the problem yes?
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