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Author Topic: Galactic History....A time of peace.What will happen next?  (Read 9282 times)
Lance Corporal

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IGN:ShaneBlackman/Read the Galactic History.

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« on: May 29, 2006, 04:58:59 AM »


You may not know this but before all the wars and scavenging, there was peace and huge sociaties, some good, some bad, and some in between, but, during the galactic year 75762, many colonies and planets began finding crashed space ships all over there worlds and colonies, sometimes the crash hurt people, sometimes it destroyed buildings, but some were left intact and were studyed to reveal that they were primitive scout models, many found the source of the scouts, a small primitive, though very resourceful race, Humans.

Humans could be found all over the universe, but these were purebreeds, very rare amoung todays universe, also this race seemed innocent when it came to outer space, lightspeed travelling, different races and intelligent lifeforms.

Some Governing bodies came forward and said to educate them, though some wanted them punished and enslave and the last group wanted to let them be, let nature take its coarse.

After a while, some groups went back to there normal way of life while others plotted and schemed, many rebel groups broke away from the peaceful sociaties and many peaceful movement groups broke away from the blood thirsty sociaties, while some stayed as they were.

A device was being researched and built, codenamed the DoomsDayDevice, at the time it was to destroyed any planet it came to, it was condensed plasma to be supercooled and shot into the core of a planet.
Hot and cold are like life and death, they cannot work together, when to supercooled plasma hits the boiling core it would expand and retract and over lightspeed, completely destroying the planet.

Earth was in extreme danger, though other races were trying to prootect it they needed force to balance force, they stole the technology from the DoomsDayDevice mainframe and copied it and began to counter it.

when the day finally came when Earth was to be destroyed, the DoomsDayDevice was launched, but at the final millisecond the beam of supercooled plasma was rediected into an asteroid colony and that was that a huge hole of death and destruction, I already said life and death do not mix, half the universe was in an uproar some blamed the peacekeepers, some blamed the blood thirsty races that shot the illegal, truce breaking DoomsDayDevice,
some wanted the pure Humans dead some didn't, but it happened, what always happens when there is mass death and arguments and threats about, war struck, the great DoomsDay war, it was a race to arms many were researching the DoomsDayDevice to be a destructive device, some were countering it and others were going to use it to stop all the war, to destroy all the technology needed for it to be built. Whatever happens planets will be destroyed trillions of life will be ended and life and death will mix once more.....

Chapter 1

5 years later, Alien races came to Earth claiming the Humans were in grave danger, whether the Human Government believed them or not, they had to cooperate, every few months planes would crash, with heat or carbon scoring somewhere on the wreckage. The aliens --though they looked very similar to the Humans--
had a very different attitude, they gave them Hundreds of Inter-Galactic Fighter, transport and Capital Ships
And many blueprints so they could be mass produced, that, revoulutionized the planet.
Because of the non-pollutant engines and power systems, Climate change was reversing, as the pollution was pumped from the air, and land mass increasedand the world was once again only 70% water as it once was, comparing to its recent 90%, Factories were built and cities in the air were creted over the next few years, the PureHumans flourished, there planet showed this it became rich and beautiful, though the attacks almost tripled, they were almost ready to fight back.

Chapter 2

Cpt.Rayne and his fleet- EradicoTrabaz (The most renowned and successful fleet on Earth)- are transporting a convoy of various resources to pay off their debt to the race - The Dicluo (pronounced dees-loo-o)-
"Sir" called a marine "We have incoming unknown fighters"
"Try to target their ID tags, if they get to close open fire" replied Cpt.Rayne "Scramble the Hell Hawks and put them on standby".
"Yes, Sir" called the Marine.
"ID of unknown Fleet has been confirmed".Came the fimiliar voice of the Ships AI."They are the Pirrll
Goro, a group of mercenaries supporting the Research of the new Dooms Day Device and our destruction".
"Confirmed, Green light to engage, Hell Hawks, split into two groups and attack from each side of the convoy, they'll be cornered" Called Cpt.Rayne.
And as commanded the Hell Hawks pincer attacked the Pirrll Goro and adding the convoys canon fire
the battle was over within 15 minutes, though that was only the beginning of the trouble for the Eradico Trabaz.
After the battle The command ship of the Eradico Trabaz recieved a Encrypted message from Deep Space.
"I wnat that message Decryted yesterday!" Commanded Cpt.Rayne.
An hour later, a cryptographer arrived on the bridge.
"Sir, my team has decyphered the message" said the Cryptographer."Shoot" replied Cpt.Rayne.
"Ok, I'll play it back".
After a few seconds a low humming came from the Bridge speakers, then a voice,
"This is the leader of the Pirrll Goro, we attacked you a while ago, and you may have won, but we will
not                       stop, we have enough resources to attack a hundred more times, and more! You destroyed many
of our bretheren with your pathetic spacecraft! You will pay, just wait and see!"

Chapter 3

13 hours later.
"The Eradico Trabaz Convoy will be docking in 3 minutes, standby for maintenance chack....",Said the Ships AI."God thats over" called a marine, " yeah, I was afraid we'd be attacked again by those Pirrll
Goro dudes" replied another,"Stop wining, what are ya, girls?" Boomed Cpt.Rayne,"MARINES, don't stop now get the cargo ready for unloading and keep all systems online we got another job, so get up and get going!"
"YES, SIR" Called multiple marines.
"We have boarded the Dicluo Space Station, Plell.Please unload cargo to docking hatch 2C."said the
"You heard her boys, get goin'!" Called Cpt.Rayne on the ship intercom,"Were leaving the transport
here, so we boost up the speed a bit!
"Ow lets go slow, I'm on hazard pay!"called a marine.
"I heard that, Jackass!" Bellowed Cpt. Rayne.
The Flett, Eradico Tradaz set off on there new destination, but they would need more than hazard pay
 to compensate their next encounter.


Chapter 4

"Our next mission is gonna be dangerous one, boys" announced Cpt. Rayne "First we will go to our
 fueling station, Then we will meet up with our friends, the Dicluo, and they will provide us with a few fleets, for backup.""Waddaya mean backup! Were goin for another Firefight" Intterupted a marine, "Shut up marine I'm talkin'" Cpt. Rayne continued "We will be scouting the Denva Sector for a research base possibly run by the, Pirrll Goro,"" Your Joking aren't you Cap'n! You heard their leader!" interrupted another marine.
"Now" said Capt. Rayne in a hushed tone, "The Dicluo believe the Cultists to be small time, which is why were searching for the base, they may be working with others, and thats bad, very bad" Continued Cpt.Rayne, "There are many cults after us, many have money, others have brains, if they unite any more than 5 cults that will make a serious problem"
"So we need to find the Station, Tag the owner, then investigate the and join the Pirrll Goro to the equation, but what if the Pirrll Goro are nothing to do with them?" Explained a marine,"Well then we arrest them because that facility is unregistered in the galactic database." Replied Cpt.Rayne.
An hour later the fleet arrived at the Fueling station and then met up with the Dicluo Fleets on the border of the Denva sector.


Chapter 5

"You Highness, we've picked up Human and Dicluo life on the border of the sector, exact coordinates, 999-556-457." Said a Human looking lifeform,"Good, all isss going according to plan." Hissed a voice from the shadows," Have  the Pirrl Goro Titanssss, engage them, make them aim for the youmanssss."
"But, your Highness, there are not enogh Titans to destroy the Humans let alone thier Dicluo allies, we will,""NO" boomed the voice from the shadows,"We will max our profit and effiency if we have lessss Pirrl Goro sssscum to pay, we merely want to weaken the youmanssss,"
"Uhh....y...yee ok sorry your..h..h..highness"
"Leave minion."
The Human looking lifeform left the dark, creepy room and headed to the bridge to relay his orders.

Chapter 6

"We have 34 incoming craft, ID in database confirmed as Pirrl Goro." Called the voice of the Ships AI.
"All men to battle stations, scramble the Hell Hawks and Pincer Attack them as before" Came the voice of Cpt.Rayne through the intercom.
Red lights and emergency sirens blaring, marines and technicians were running around as Zekk Vaxen, A Hell Hawk pilot ran toward the docking bay and started up the Hell Hawk fighter ship.
"Skip the maintenance chack and boot up the thrusters, then open the Zero Gravity Energy torpedoes." Said Zekk to his Ships AI, as he sat down."Takeoff sequence initiated, Torpedoes online"
"Charge Ion lasers"
"Ion lasers Charged"
Zekk took control of the Hell Hawk and took off with the second group, he went around the fleet and engaged an unexpected group of fighters.
"What the hell are those things there hull is packed with Ion charges!!" came a voice through the Hell Hawk Communication Intercom."Awww hell that don't look good," Came the voice of Zekks good friend Guile,"Keep your distance but maximize firepower, try to ionize them, if you destroy them with the torps they'll release a small field on Ion power strong enough to disable most middle class fighters!"
As they engaged they realised they were outnumbered and out smarted they needed to keep thier distance from the Titans and attack them at the same time,"34 to 10, around 3 each guys,hows that sound" called Zekk. "Not bad" Replied Guile.

Chapter 7

"Time to get going" announced Zekk as they engaged the Titans,"Lets go then" replied Guile.
"Score 1." called Guile, "3 for me" replied Zekk, "No need to get jealous of my skills."
They fought for a few more minutes and there were only a few left now,
"3 each" called Zekk, "4 to go.Oh sorry, 4-3 to me 3 to go!"
"What are these guys doing, retreating?" called Guile "But there going the wrong way..."
"Oh hell," announced Zekk "Remember the Ion charges" Guile replied, "Are mean..SHOOT THEM!"
The last remaining Titans knew they were out of there league, so they were to Ionize the nearest fleet which happened to be the Dicluo.
The Titans boosted into them with everthing they had and when they collided with them their hull almost collapsed inwards and a cloud of blue covered half the fleet seconds later and the lights on the bridge went out aswell as the exhaust of there ships came to a halt.
"Hell Hawks" came the command ship through Zekks intercom "Please retern to the docking area and then report to the bridge and Cpt.Rayne."
"Hell hawk reporting the Cpt.Rayne" Shouted the Hell Hawks as they lined up on the Bridge, "Good Work men," Announced Cpt.Rayne,"Though they shut down most of the Dicluo, we must still go on without them and report anything back to them, and now we know what these guys are capable of we will have to destroy them completely and srrest any willing to come quietly."
"This can't be good" said a Hell Hawk in a hushed tone.
And right wouldn't explain his prediction.......
Chapter 8

The Eradico Trabaz were cruising through the Denva sector, after around a galactic hour they found an energy reading on their radar.
"Sir we have a strange reading on our radar, theres the energy of half a planet here!" called a technician, monitering the energy radar, "Set our course for it, when should we reach it?" replied Cpt.Rayne.
"Around 14 minutes, Sir" answered the Technician.
"Boys, It looks like we've found our station! Charge the turrets and put all units on standby."
"Yes, Sir Turrets charged, and all units on standby!" called a marine.

"All pilots please report to the docking area and wait for further instruction" came the emotionless sound of the Ships AI.
Zekk and the Hell Hawks reported to there ships but this time with all the other pilots from Gold, Red and Blue Squadrons, that was around 60 other fighters.
When they caught sight of the facility, saying they were shocked was an understatement.

Chapter 9

"Omigaawwwwwd" came the one of the control technician on the bridge,"Thats...thats.. HUGE"
"Thats gotta be like half the size of planet, and all that energy stored into that small space!"said another technician.
"What!...It can't be...but, that,its" exc;aimed Cpt.Rayne as he came to his senses "That thing was dismissed from council a few years back, Project.Alpha...."
"What are you going on about, sir?" asked a Technician.
"This was an idea thought up by a few of the greatest scientist in the galaxy"
" And what does it do?"
"It well, its many things really, but mainly its said to be able to 'make' planets"
"Christ how the hell does that work"
"I don't know the science of it, but it sucks in matter and then fills it with antimatter, and thats been said to how the big bang created planets, if it works good but, there was a chance it would rip through space instead making a giant anti-vacuum, anti-garvity really pushings out of this sector, probably the galaxy, which it turn would push planets. moons and out of orbit, and pushing many suns into a premature super -nova, which make it sooo much more powerful."
"And thats worse case scenario?"
"No thats if theres a minor fault."
"Yup, thats why we have to stop this"
"I think the council had a good idea about banning this"
"Though it wasn't unanimous"
"Who voted 'for' it then"
"A Cobranian, he was nicknamed Lord Lisp, because he always hissed his 's's like a snake, and anyway all the others voted against it and one, a Dicluo, threw a chair at a scientist and called it the Dooms Day Device all over again!"
"That bad?"
"Yes if the rip is made and cannot be repaired in about 3 hours it'll repel everything and could become even bigger, and could become the size of a moon"
"Well if we can't stop this, and they fail, all our colonies and even Earth will be destroyed"
"Thats why were goinna stop them!"
"Stop the ship and intercept communication and heck all the info from there database!" Replied CPT.Rayne
"Yes, sir."
"You never did say what heppened to Lord err Lisp." asked the other Technicain.

-----TO BE CONTINUED-------

Worst case scenario best case, or all out WAR !!!!! *Pick One*
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 05:37:08 AM by shaneblack » Report to moderator   Logged

If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 01:06:33 PM »

read this first and then you can find out what year it is, you have to do some reashering to find out if you look at the bottom of emi's post theres the date (emi maker of the game made that date so it should be more around there 2025 is like 70000 years after what emi posted :p
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Lance Corporal

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IGN:ShaneBlackman/Read the Galactic History.

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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 01:11:59 PM »

Sorry I didn't see I changed it
THX for tellin me!
All that hard and not a good thing to say about it!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 08:57:55 AM by shaneblack » Report to moderator   Logged

If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2006, 05:19:38 PM »

lol thankyou for adressing the DDD funny how it actally means 2 things i gess thats why Wizard of War made it...

Dooms Day Devise

or what most ppl use it for the Dooms Day Defenders

just putting out commen terms for you there :p
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« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 05:46:05 AM »

nice story anywayz  12

its good that more people join and take part in the forum.
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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2006, 09:23:01 PM »

ya liked the story just the first thing i notice when i saw DDD was Dooms Day Defenders lol thats how most ppl read it, unleast tell it said what it meant lol i thought you were talking about me
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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2006, 05:44:46 AM »

Yea I think I'll change that.
In case more ppl get confused.
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If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2006, 03:55:38 AM »

Good story. I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work (If you have a ton of free time, feel free to check out my story)
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« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2006, 04:55:03 AM »

and also if u have 2 minutes to spare plz read A Jesus Story By Smee

its a garanteed blockbuster ^^

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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2006, 04:56:35 AM »

lol, yes it is (inside joke here)
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Lance Corporal

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IGN:ShaneBlackman/Read the Galactic History.

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« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2006, 09:54:25 AM »

yeah sound  cool I'll check out both your stories,
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If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
First Sergeant

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« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2006, 10:09:21 AM »

yours and monkeys stories are good :p
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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2006, 10:35:22 AM »

Yeh tell me about it, monkeys is B-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t 1
I could spend hours on this and not come close.
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If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
Lance Corporal

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IGN:ShaneBlackman/Read the Galactic History.

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« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2006, 10:52:23 AM »

I've modified the story and hope to be adding more soon,
look out for more chapter,
hope you like it,
Shaneblack. thumbsup
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If practice makes perfect, but nobodies perfect, why practice?
Someone look at my story its the galactic history pleeez everyones loosing interest....
Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2006, 01:30:46 PM »

I like the addition, very nice. And thanks for the compliment.
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