Forum - Space Odyssey MMORPG - a massive free online space game

Feedback Terminal => Suggestions => Topic started by: forumemy on May 26, 2012, 08:06:01 PM

Title: So elite as new main server
Post by: forumemy on May 26, 2012, 08:06:01 PM
I now this has been suggested before but I think so elite should be the new main server or the one that you can automatically log in to without clicking on the button. It has more of the basics of the game without having to deal with the whole galaxy concept. I think new players are overwhelmed by all the things they have to learn and one of the most confusing would be the galaxy. These players would have a chance to learn the basics about ships and how to gain money etc. I am not very active on elite but am there enough to help players if need be. I am sure more vets will at least make accounts to help new players there as well. So what do ya say.

Emy :12:

Title: Re: So elite as new main server
Post by: Comatose on May 27, 2012, 10:14:27 AM
Once upon a time I liked this idea, but not any more. The truth is, if you want to survive on the only populated server, you're going to have to play it. No other servers will really help because of all the variations.

Title: Re: So elite as new main server
Post by: forumemy on May 27, 2012, 10:45:20 AM
Or maybe the server should have a new name like so starter or something. And have recommended for new players thing. I could be a part of a training alliance there and tell everyone that joins to also make an account on so main. But you do have a good point