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Author Topic: Rise of the fiend  (Read 8078 times)

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« on: June 17, 2008, 04:20:17 PM »

This is a little command and conquer fan fiction i have been working on, now my English grade sucks, so it probably wont be very good, i will post the first section for people to comment on, and if you like it i will post the next section, etc etc, so as not to bore you all to death 16

Part 1, Emergence
GDI Patrol Alpha, Tiber River 0820 hours
The GDI Grunt gripped his rifle tightly in has hands, the patrol's through the green and blue Fields of the Tiber river had been oddly quite recently, NOD activity had been down by nearly 100% and high command was almost ready to pull the last patrol's out, but recently contact with Bravo and Charlie squadrons had been lost, and reports of a new creature stalking the night had been heard, Boudro's team had speculated that tiberium could have Mutation effects on humans and animals, but no sightings had been reported yet.
The Grunt jumped into the air as there was a sound like crushing glass beneath him,
"lucky I remembered my gas mask" he thought, Tiberium is a highly dangerous substance of unknown origin, this unfortunate Grunt had the task of patrolling Ground Zero, the point were the strange substance was first discovered, and things were about to get a whole lot stranger.

The grunt turned round a huge spike of tiberium, to find a NOD soldier laying face down in the clearing, with three long, sharp, spikes of Tiberium pointing out of his back, the Grunt knelled down examining him "What in the worl-" A huge four legged animal with tiberium protruding out of its spine lunged out at the grunt, but the grunt was to quick for it, he rolled over and fired two shoots from his rifle, drilling two large holes straight through the fiends sides, it fell to the floor shrieking in pain as green ooze gushed out of its wounds, the grunt radioed back to HQ, going back to examine the NOD soldier laying on the ground "EVA satellite link established, Scanning life-form‘s Molecular Structure, standby", the grunt had been instructed on the fact that EVA could scan area's, including the molecular structure of anything in the radius, the Electronic Video Agent was the second greatest tactical warfare computer ever invented, and was the command system of the GDI forces.

"Warning, molecular reconstruction detected, Private, I recommend you move position and await reinforcements", the Grunt spun around to see the fiend arising, he levelled his gun just as the fiend shot three spikes of tiberium out of its mouth at him, the grunt fell to the floor, just noticing that the fiends wounds were closing up, as if an invisible hand was knitting them together, and then his vision went blank, leaving the two soldiers, both GDI and NOD laying side by side in the clearing...
« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 04:21:52 PM by lalelulilo » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2008, 04:46:16 PM »

Hehe, cool 1

Btw, there is a "story" section for a reason :p
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« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2008, 09:32:36 PM »

i like writing fiction as well, good way to show your creativity.

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« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2008, 05:09:47 AM »

Hehe, this is rather good 1 gotta go play Tiberium Wars now 16
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« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2008, 10:44:52 AM »

I didn't post it into spaceo story because its not a spaceo story 13, here's part two of rise of the fiend for you, this part is quiet short, and i will probably modify it many times before i finish.
Part 2, GDI emergency task force briefing
Response Team Bravo, Tiber HQ 0900 hours
"OK men, at 0800 hours yesterday morning, a member of the Alpha patrol was cut of from the main group after a NOD ambush at Ground Zero, at 1813 hours we lost contact with the main part of alpha, radio and video communication went down, and at 0824 hours, the last Alpha reported in, and an EVA molecular structure scan was activated, now we do not know the results of this scan as the data is being  analysed by Dr’s Mobius and Boudro, but we do know that the life-form scanned is of unknown structure, all I have been told is that the molecular structure began to re-assemble itself, after two direct hits from a rail-rifle, a high calibre one at that, and no known organism has yet displayed that ability, except of course, the visceriod's. But this new organism is faster, stronger, has the capacity to regenerate and to top it all of it can shoot tiberium spikes out of it's mouth, the Alpha grunt that scanned it found one of the NOD ambushers shortly before we lost contact, the molecular scan reported mutations occurring, originating from the point of contact with the tiberium, so expect other hostiles, Good Luck men, and God Speed."
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« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2008, 06:22:59 PM »

My story has nothing to do with spaceo either......anyways.....

Was the rail rifle in the game btw?
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« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2008, 11:05:13 AM »

Was the rail rifle in the game btw?

No, the rail rifle was not in the game, in this it is the midway between an anti tank and anti infantry rifle (the zone trooper weapon, with faster rate of fire, still one hit one kill on infantry, but lower damage to tanks).

This is copyright, so dont think of stealing it 16
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« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2008, 07:06:45 PM »

Alsome, im also a fan of the command & conquer series, thou i dont have the new one(got surpreme comander, great game  17) anyway, hope to see more  15
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« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2008, 04:52:31 PM »

sorry for the long absence from this, and salmon if you are a CNC fan dont bother with the new ones, supreme commander makes them look like poop, even though supremem commander is a 100% rip-off of another game, anyway.

Part 3, Emergency Landing
Response Team Bravo, Somewhere above the Tiber River 0924 hours

"So sarge, what’s your view on this emergency?" Asked a Sniper as he fiddled around with his helmet's visor setting's
"I think it’s just another false alarm, like the last three emergencies, remember last time? We had ourselves equipped with high powered rail guns, only to find a baby visceriod had wandered into the middle of one of our camps, and eaten all the doughnuts." The sergeant replied, He had been in many battles, he was one of the elite's, but nothing could prepare him for what was awaiting them at ground zero.
The VTOL lurched suddenly, and the sound of shrapnel hitting the side of the Orca could be heard from the side, the soldiers all looked at each other, the sarge wore a worried expression on his face.
"Pilot can we have a status report down here please?” there was no reply.
“We appear to be losing altitude, is everything okay up there?” still no reply, just static.
“Alpha squad, go and check out the cockpit, were losing altitude, and I sure as hell don’t want to be taken down by a bit of flak"
Five men got up and walked to the stairs, the rest of the men sat waiting, some of them checking there ammo, others turning on there radio systems or going to grab there weapon's
The sound of one of the grunts called thought the Orca's intercom "You’re not going to believe this, both the pilot and the co pilot are dead, and there’s tiberium everywhere up here, what should we do sarge?" The rest of the soldiers around the bay began to look worried, no weapon had been experienced that could hurl tiberium crystal's, not through the hull of a heavily armored Orca transport anyway.
"Alpha get back down here, were going to have to jump this bird's toast, looks like it isn’t a false alarm after all."
After all of the men had gathered in the cargo bay of the Orca the sergeant began handing out the parachutes,
“All units listen up, any supplies on the Orca you can carry take them, I want this bird stripped down before we get to low to jump, Alpha Team take the medical bay, Bravo Team armory, Charlie Team Engineering, I wanted this place clean so the brotherhood cant salvage anything, and you never know when the equipment may come in handy, keep your radio on and be back here in five”
The men split up into there different groups and ran out in three different directions to begin ripping the Orca apart, after five minutes there was a pile of medical supplies, weapons, armour and engineering equipment in the bay, the men began sorting through it all trying to decide what parts to take, and what to torch, after another minute all the men were ready to jump, the sarge looked at the radar unit on his arm and frowned
“What’s wrong sarge?” asked the Bravo Team leader
“I’m picking up GDI radar signal’s nearby, I don’t remember us setting up any bases here”
The Orca Lurched suddenly as more shards began to hit the side of the Orca.
A huge explosion came from the other side of the ship, toppling many of the men standing in the bay, 
“The fuel line has ruptured, sir, if we don’t leave now we’ll all get torn apart by the explosion” Yelled an engineer from the bravo squadron, his voice could barely be heard over the sound of the wind and grinding metal
“Alpha Squad prepare to jump, set up a perimeter, and try to contact one of the GDI blips, it may be our only hope of survival”
Five men got up and the Squad leader saluted the sergeant
No-one spoke for a minute as the five men vanished from radar, this was done to avoid possible NOD contact, the disadvantage is you never know if the men made the jump
“Bravo, Go”
Another five got up and ran towards the open hatch, soon after radio contact was made with Alpha, there was a huge amount of gunfire then an explosion, then it went quite.
“Alpha Squad Reporting in sir, two men injured, no casualties apart from that, we don’t know what attacked us but it was capable of launching shards of tiberium, we were saved by some soldier’s in rugged GDI uniform’s, sir they’ve set up a beacon for your drop” It was one of the grunts that spoke, the sergeant supposed that the squad leader must have been injured during the combat
“Very well soldier, we will be dropping with Charlie, request contact with the Commander in the area”
“Sir, yes sir”
Charlie squad got up and ran to the hatch, followed by the sergeant and his group.

Hope you have enjoyed it so far, there are around 5 more parts already writen, if you have any suggestion's, or would like an up to date copy of rise of the fiend please email me at, thanks for reading, Lalelulilo (also known as pheonix).
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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2008, 11:21:06 AM »

Nice job, i liked the part about the doughnuts(lol) in the first tiberium C&C id build walls around tiberium monsters and try to catch all the tiberium monsters on the field..kinda fun, but i got bored after a while since they would destroy the walls after a while and attack my base, silly me... 16
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« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2008, 10:49:30 AM »

Well here is part four, I feel this might be the part were I started to lose it a bit, the very last part of the whole story is a glossary including pictures of the vehicle's and infantry.

Part 4, the Forgotten Ones
Response Team Bravo, Abandoned GDI Facility

“Who’s in charge here” Barked the sergeant
“no-one sir, this base was abandoned, along with us, GDI command will abandon you to, as soon as they discover the crashed Orca and the tiberium Shards” Replied a zone trooper standing nearby, the sergeant noticed the trooper put particular emphasis on the word sir
“Dont you take that tone with me, I can have you court marshalled, and you honestly think GDI command will abandon us? How come no-one knows about this base?”
“I doubt it, no-one knows were here because high command denies the existence of this base, and the people in it, we are all registered as KIA, and so are you, that’s why you could see us on radar” replied the trooper, Zone troopers marked the best of GDI Technology, they were the best of the best, and carried the most powerful weapons, armour, and even an auto refill jetpack to help them get around, there was no way the GDI Command would just abandon them, unless it would put GDI at greater risk to bring them back
“What do you know that command wants to deny?” asked the sergeant
“We know the truth, Command wants us all to believe they are halting the spread of tiberium, they want us to believe that they are inventing new technologies to help prevent it from pushing further, but its all a lie, all of there harvesting techniques are taken from salvaged NOD technology, as anyone of our engineers could tell you, the rocket troopers here are the ones ordered to take out the defenses and only the defences they were then ordered with the infantry here to protect the engineers while they worked, us zone troopers are here because we have seen the effects of tiberium, many of us are patrols, left for dead by a command that wants to keep a good reputation…”
The room was silent, until one of the response team decided to speak up,
“How do we know you aren’t lying? For all we know we could be in a NOD base.”
“Think what you will” Replied the Zone Trooper, “but I promise you Command won’t let you leave Tiber alive, check the database, call HQ, neither will admit you are alive”
“HQ, this is Response Team Bravo, please respond” The communications officer was trying fruitlessly to get a response, in the end a reply came to life on the other side
“Response Team Bravo, this is strike team Charlie, we caught your message leaving the Tiber area, Please confirm your location” the voice sounded brisk and official, and the Com. Officer began to reply
“Strike Team Charlie, I am uploading my coordinates now, please sen-” The officer looked up to see the sergeant, he was miming to him to kill the com’s, the officer did as he was told, but most of bravo was now looking at the sergeant as if he had just told them they were all going to die
“what the hell did you do that for?” was most of the teams reply, the sergeant called all of the team together, as well as several senior looking officers from the nearby group,
“do any of you know what strike team Charlie’s missions are?” the sergeant asked them, he was talking in a voice that was loud enough for the whole room to hear, no-one spoke for a moment, until on of the grunts standing at the side replied
“I’ve heard rumours, some spoke secretly of them in my barracks, all men who did were generally found out and vanished, we were told they were ‘transferred’” the grunt started, but he stopped there, as if he was saying something forbidden, something no-one is meant to know
“Continue” said the sergeant, the grunt gulped for a moment, and then continued what he was saying, he looked very worried, as if everyone was going to try to kill him for what he was about to say,
“well…well I’ve heard that Charlie’s job Is to locate traitors amongst GDI, and….eliminate them” all of the room was now looking at the grunt,  many looked worried, many looked at him as if it was a joke
“Has anyone here ever had any contact with Charlie? Or known anyone who has?” The sergeant asked, turning to face the rest of the crowd
“I knew someone once, a young cadet in an Orca squad, we knew his squad wasn’t keen on the war, and I knew he had been talking to some NOD deserters that had recently joined his squadron” This time it was an officer replied, he had probably been one of the people that built this base, the sergeant turned to him “and what happened to him and his deserter buddy’s?”
“I heard that him and his squadron was attacked by a NOD force, the whole airbase was destroyed,  it looked clean, until a few weeks later, I received a message, it was from the Cadet “they walked right through the automated defences, they were just ignored by them, most of them were zone troopers, with one commando, the last thing my buddy said was, Charlie has come for us” that was all the message contained,  it also included verification images that confirmed the soldiers to be GDI, I kept my mouth shut about it, but I think they knew, which is why I was ordered to set up this base then abandoned “
This time none of the room tried to find a way around it, they all knew, they had been forgotten.

Hope you have enjoyed reading so far, the story currently ends quite abruptly at part 9, but hopefully I will find more ideas and gain inspiration from peoples thoughts on this story, I will post part 5 soon.
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« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2008, 01:19:43 PM »

Have I already killed everyone with my s**t?
This part is just a long piece of crap about how they (or the sergeant who seems to have proclaimed himself leader already) plan to survive Charlie

Part 5, Survival Tactics
The Forgotten Officers, Abandoned Command Post

The Response team’s sergeant looked around at the men who were gathered there, there were only a few men there, and out of those that were there were only three were from the sergeants own group, the sergeant had decided to call all the officers, each of the officers had also brought along there top men, several from each field were there, Medic’s, Engineer’s, Riflemen, Demo Experts, Zone trooper’s, men from all fields of GDI, there were even some scientists there, including some from Dr. Mobius’s team, seeing all the men who were abandoned had shaken the sergeant’s faith  in GDI a lot, but he had nothing to worry about, his wife had died in a nod attack twenty years ago, “a NOD ambush” the GDI cleanup force had said, but there were no casualties to prove this, and after his recent experiences, he doubted whether the force was really from NOD, the only thing that the sergeant was worried about was the fact that many of the men who had been abandoned were young, except for some of the officer’s, and probably had family’s at home, add to that fact that an elite GDI assassination force was after them all now, the chances of anyone getting out were slim, especially when automated defences ignored the Charlie force, after everyone needed was assembled in the command post the sergeant turned away from the radar, he had not stopped looking at it since he had arrived in the command post over three hours ago, there had been little movement on it, but he was still not convinced that the threat was not near.
“so here is the situation as I now see it” he began “all of us have been abandoned, even though we are all the tops of our field’s GDI saw fit to release us from duty, without warning, and while we were in this godforsaken place, and to add to those problems it seems that GDI has deemed us a threat worthy of there greatest assault force, the Charlie assault force, I would be the first to admit that the situation looks bleak, but not hopeless”
One of the more senior officers began to speak “but what hope do we have against GDI’s, possibly the worlds, greatest strike force? Can you remember what that officer said, a whole base went down, and the auto turrets didn’t lift a bolt to help” the sergeant considered for a moment, and then called one of the engineers over to him, he leant close to him and said “how do the turrets decide friend from foe?” the engineer replied almost instantly “they use a complex GPS EVA sat uplink which feeds directly into the core quasi-”
“Keep it simple” the sergeant cut in
“it has a direct link to the central command computer, it gets friend foe settings from there, why, what good will that do us?” said the engineer “all GDI turret’s, even the ones here are feed setting’s from the central computer” the sergeant thought a bit more, and replied “ how do NOD turrets get there friend/foe setting’s?”
“Ah I studied several while I was in the NOD bases disassembling NOD tech, they use a complex quasi circuitry that links them-” he paused looking at the expression on the sergeants face “they are fed there information from a node inside them, these nodes are linked to the NOD command post in the area, if the command post is destroyed, current friend/foe settings become locked in place, a single engineer can bring a NOD base down by simply changing the friend/foe settings and destroying the command post, but I don’t see how-”
“Do you have the schematics for a NOD turret?” asked the sergeant, his voice so low even the engineer almost couldn’t hear him
“Yes, but-” the sergeant cut across him again
“And a NOD command post?” he asked, and it finally hit the engineer
“you want me to convert this command post and the surrounding turrets into a NOD equivalent control system?” he looked shocked at how simple, and yet how brilliant the plan was, the sergeant nodded, and the engineer thought for a second, then looked unhappy “it we take me days to rewire this command post, let alone all the turrets, even if they didn’t get our position from you, the EVA satellites will be orbiting this area soon, and they will find our exact position just hours after, I know everything about those satellites, they will find us”
“Then why not just make us a different target In EVA’s electronic eye’s, you say Charlie is after us right? You also said you know everything about the EVA satellites, you could conceal this base, by changing its signature to NOD’s, and your forgetting, this whole base is filled with expert engineer’s, you have my order’s to take everyone of them and get to work” the engineer stood up straight and saluted him “sir, yes sir” he then ran out through the door and him yelling at other engineers to follow him could just be heard as the automatic door’s shut, the sergeant then turned back to the group and they all looked puzzled, none of them had been as excited as the engineer had just been since they were given food replication modules shortly before the supply cut of, the sergeant then asked for the highest ranking medic to come over “what did you tell the engineer to do?” the medic asked,
“that will come later, for now I need to know what medical facility’s this place has got” the medic looked puzzled, but replied briskly “this base is equipped to last a fall scale NOD attack, it can treat everything from bullet wounds to laser burns” the sergeant looked carefully at the medic and asked another question “can this place treat railgun wounds? Or can it be outfitted to if you and the other medics worked on it together?” the medic looked even more puzzled than before, but still complied with the sergeant, he was higher ranking after all “the facilities in this base are not equipped with the facility’s needed to treat railgun wounds, and without proper blueprints, it never will be” the sergeant looked down, his plan had hit a hitch, but then he remembered something, “you know that engineer who just ran out, I need you to find him and get the NOD medical facility blueprints of him, anything you can add to our current medical facilities, do it take as many of the medics as you need as you are going to need all the help you can get” the medic also saluted him, and ran out at top speed, his orders could also be heard as the door closed, as well as many other engineer’s as they ran around, telling people to get out of there way, and calling for part’s or tools, this confused those who remained in the room even more, there had never been this much action in the base since, well ever really, the sergeant then turned to the rest of the group remaining, all that remained was the soldiers themselves, and there respective officers, all medics and engineers had left when the other ones had, one of the officers turned to the sergeant “what the hell do you think your doing?” he asked
“I’m making sure this base, and the people in it can survive the imminent attack, the engineer’s are making sure the auto turrets don’t let us down, and the medics are making sure the medical facilities are equipped for any eventuality, be it NOD or GDI, but they cant defend themselves, neither can this base, I need you all to split into mixed group’s, each group must have at least one of each speciality in it, and be careful out there, we still haven’t met what we were sent out to do here, I want one person from each field to report to me every half hour, someone has to relay these commands to the medics and engineers, radio silence must be remained at ALL times, unless it becomes absolutely necessary, this will prevent them from finding us as quickly, at night no lights must be on, and night vision must be worn unless indoors, make sure no light can escape from any building, and turn power down to minimal, if GDI wants us dead, were going to give them one hell if a fight before we go down, well what are you still here for? Get on with it!” the rest of the men in the room ran out, splitting into groups, grabbing weapons and tools as they left, a few minutes later all that remained in the command post were the sergeant and his three men “you three, I want one of you to monitor the radar, one monitor the coms, and one to keep an eye on the surveillance, this base wont be taken down by GDI, if you see any NOD or GDI contacts, call me straight away on secure frequency 171-291-Delta, good luck, were all counting on you”

sorry its so long 16, hope I haven't bored you all (to much), won't post the next part until someone wants it 13
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« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2008, 03:21:46 PM »

Hey lale this is really good. You should post the rest of it.
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