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Author Topic: Day of Reclamation  (Read 5680 times)
Sergeant First Class

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Posts: 518

AntiChrist at your service.

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« on: July 27, 2007, 07:53:16 PM »

     In the year 1007, during the Stellar war, a race called Vord was discovered. The only thing known about them is that they came from another galaxy, wreaking havoc as they went.They quickly understood the importance of aquiring the stellar converter, as it make them truly invincible.During their invasion, they occupied a strategically critical system- Gralgaris. It was inside a nebula, which allowed ambushes to be set up easily, as the nebula masked the ships inside. It also had one of the last existing planets, containing large amounts of resources for their unstoppable war machine. In a secret meeting of free commanders, they agreed to set their differences aside and attack the system together. Afterwards they became known as Starlancers. While two commanders were to draw out the Vord fleet, a flagship Xarzex, using it's stealth capabilities, would enter the system away from the battle and land ground troops, who will attempt a surprise attack on the Vord on the surface.

     "Captain, all dropships are go! Around ten percent of the army is en route!"
     "Whats the status of enemy defences?"
     "We have done what we can, but we can't confirm that they were destroyed completely- the nebula is interfering with our sensors"
Finally, the reports from dropships reached the Xarzex. There was a quick line of squad captains confirming drop-off for vehicles and first casualty reports. Then it was quiet again, except for the radio cracking. As minutes crawled by, squads after squads were carried down to the reddish, barren surface of the planet.
     "Command, this is the third squad, fifth division! Area appears to be clear! The resistance was very weak, casualties are minimum. You may proceed with the landing!"
     "We copy, sergeant! The rest of the dropforce is coming down!"
The command center was active at once- giving orders to ground troops, distributing vehicles among squads and relaying info to the leaders preparing to land. Commander Thomas sighed and walked out.
Suddenly, the transmitter that was humming quietly burst into screams:
     "This is master seargent Nikolai! We have engaged serious enemy activity! They are overwelming us! We need evacuation immedeately!"
A few seconds later the same messages swarmed from every other commander. Thomas cursed, and spit out his sigarette.
     " Give me status report!?"
     "All ground squads report heavy fire. The enemy is moving towards our landing zone. What are your orders, sir?"
     "Route all available squads to help them! Deploy orbital strikes! How many of our men are still here?"
Before the man could answer, a voice behind informed :
     "Commander AFB reporting, sir! Just a few squads of our boys, sir! How can we be of service?"
Thomas turned around to find a tall man with red hair and blue eyes with a gauss rifle on his shoulder standing behind him.
     "We are being hit very hard down there, commander! We need all guns, including yours down there to guard the landing zone while we evacuate the wounded, or else we-"
He was interrupted by a loud explosion and trembling. After the first one came others in a swift succession.
     "It's the Vord flagship, Horattu! They must have been hiding in the nebula! Oh, s**t! Sir, they are targetting our men on surface!"
     "RETURN FIRE, NOW! Distract them at all costs!" Roared Thomas, then he turned around and addressed AFB:
     "Commander, you must hold the zone at all costs! We can't take much more of the beating and we must evacuate! If they'll get to the landing zone, all is lost!"
With a sigh of man that accepts the inevitable, AFB said: "Acknowledged. Just be here for us to return to.", and walked out.
Around 5 minutes later, in the main hangar, troops were preparing to land. AFB stood up on the service ramp and asked for silence, which was only interrupted by fire from the cannons and explosions against the hull.
     "Alright, boys, listen up! I'm not gonna lie to you about this being easy! We must hold the zone no matter the expense! The army down the is counting on us! If we win, we'll get another chanse to strike at them, if we lose- Earth loses! We fight not for our lives, but for humanitiy's. This fight may be the crucial to the war efforts, we can't lose it. Now, let's get up there, and teach them not to mess with humans!!!"
The men looked solemn-faced, as they boarded the craft. Many knew, that it will be their last mission. Thomas appeared out of the corridor, looked at the rows of men hurriedly packing and checking equipment, then walked to to AFB, and the other commander, Necros.
     "Alright, this is the situation- you'll have to defend the land site. You'll be assisted by first and second divisions, but don't count on them like on your men, they've had it pretty rough. There's also what's left of fifth mechanised division. You'll just hold on to the zone for half-hour, the evacuation will be of men and critical equipment only. The area is defended by Nikolai, but he lost over half his unit and he'll be one of the first to evacuate. We'll keep Horattu busy, and cover you. Any questions?"
     "No sir. Just be ready to leg it when we're back!" replied Necros in his glorious German accent.
     "Humour won't win this war, commander. May your aim stay true. We're counting on you."
The men boarded the landing craft, and service personnel hurried out, before the main hatch wasopened. The bulky craft slowly cleared the docking port, before suddenly speeding up towards the planet. AFB looked out of the armoured glass hatch, and, amidst the red clouds of nebula, he saw a behemotic figure that was Horattu, it's cannons ablaze. Suddenly, AFB said quietly, adressing more himself than the surrounding people:
     "I'm coming for you. You'll pay."

     The vessel shook violently, as it entered the atmosphere. As soon as it landed, the hatch opened and the men poured out onto the battlefield. Necros was the first one to come out. Before his eyes laid a barren wasteland filled with dead and dying, from both sides. Just a few hundred men were still standing coupled by 3 mechs nearby. A man with grey hair walked towards them.
     "Master sergeant Nikolai reporting. You've just missed a hell of a fight, I've got to say I didn't think they'd be stupid enough just to charge in. We've set up gun positions and were able to hold them off, and it has been quiet for the last few minutes. I was ordered to transfer command to AFB and evacuate with the rest of my unit when you arrive."
     "Good to see you in one piece. Before you go, how many troops are still in fighting condition?"
     "Three from fifth mechanised, and four squads of ground troops, plus-minus a few people. We've lost many in the blast from the orbit. It's a miracle they've ceased firing..."
     "Yes, it's a miracle and it's name is Thomas" replied Necros, looking around."Ok, we won't hold you up, move your man outta here."
     "Alarm!Alarm! They're coming! From the left flank! " shouted the forward sentry suddenly.
     "Men, to battle positions, man the turrets! Move,Move, move! Give me fire coverage of that canyon!"
     "And will you move your asses and take off already!" shouted AFB at the dropship pilot.
     "Yes, sir, right away sir!"
But right as the hatch was about to be closed, Nikolai slid under the armoured door and jumped out.
     "Are you mad?! You could have killed yourself! And your orders were to evacuate!"
     "Hell no! I'm not going anywhere, I'm not turning my back on you! You are walking on the edge of a razor, and you could use every available man."
Necros opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly laser beams cut through the air just a few metres away.
     "We can discuss it all day, but I doubt that they'll give us that much. Nikolai, it's an honour to fight alonside you. If our army was made up of men like you, we would have won from the first encounter." replied AFB and turned to Necros, "We'll have to mount up mechs and cover the incoming dropships. Still remember how to use em?"
     "Oh, nuts! Hate meching up!" groaned Necros as he ran towards the battlewalkers.
     "Heavy mech ready, all systems functional." gave out the on-board computer as AFB climbed in the motion suit. It tracked every motion he made and the mech dublicated them. This was the new controll system which allowed far more accurate controll of the vehicle.
     "Sir, I'll take controll of the mortar." offered the pilot squeezing in the rear turret.
The mech rose to it's full 10 metre height and started to turn around.
     "Come on, come on, I'm right here come and get me..."whispered AFB looking at the closing army. Even at the first glance it was a few thousands strong. Their forward troops were carrying force shields in front of them, while their neighbours fired from behind. They didnt rush the weakened human army, but instead were surrounding it.
"Time to show em what we can do." Thought AFB as he pressed the trigger. Twelve blazing trails took off from either side of the mech and flew towards the swarming enemy formations.  Finger pressing the trigger, AFB started to turn the mech, aiming at the ranks behind the shield holders. The enemy looked shaken, and to top things up, two other mechs also joined the fray. Then the infantry cautiously moved forward just enough to bring enemies into firing range, and unleashed a deadly plasma barrage. The Vord made little attempts to return fire, as the moment someone went too far from the shields, he got caught in crossfire.
     "This is really weird. They came out here without any heavy or anti-vehicle weapons. Either their leader is a complete moron or... or it's a distraction! I'm reading artillery being deployed! We must get out of here!" cackled Necros's voice over the radio.
     "Fall back! Fall back!" shouted commander AFB in the radio and turned his mech around, but he was too late. The first shells filled with unstable plasma arrived with a rippling scream as they tore apart squad after squad and trembled the ground. In a desparate attempt to get out, AFB pulled the catapult lever and  ramped into the seat as the small cabine of the mech was flinged out. Unfortunately, due to the location of the small thruster, it was heading the direction away from the last remaining dropships. Quickly clambering out with the pilot, they darted across the field, taking cover in the great holes left by explosions. By now most of the human infantry was either inside the dropships, or in bits lying around the battlefield. The ground shook violently as more and more shells dropped out of the sky, which made the running close to impossible for the two men. The barrage ended suddenly. The Vord put away the shields and charged. There was no possible way that the men could get to dropships in time, and AFB understood that, when he calmly gave the pilot an order to take off.
     "Well, this is it, sir. We can just hope that they'll make it." said the mech pilot quietly.
     "There's one other thing we can do, mate. We can stand and fight and sell our lives as dearly as possible!"
     "I'm with you on that sir! Let's see how many we'll take to hell with us!"
They stood up and turned back to back. The closest Vord were right now about twenty metres away. Without any word or other signal, the two men opened fire together. The Vord seemed to want them die up close, as none fired, but simply charged at them. Strangely, all thoughts were absent from AFB's head, just the count of the slain, and the countdown of number of charges left in the clip of his gauss rifle. More and more corpses piled around them, but this couldn't continue for long. With a swipe of a long, narrow blade coming out of his arm, a Vord sent the pilot flying, but before he could get another chance to attack, he received a gauss round in the head. Unfortunatelly, that was the last round. Taking out his energy sword, AFB severed the head of one attacker and clipped the other on the side of the torso. He sort of danced, eluding the stretched out bayonettes and claws, while dishing out fatal blows from the sword. But soon luck changed on him. Just as he jumped out of reach of the huge, almost four-metre high Vord, he tripped by a body and fell. He saw a monster swing his long metal spike at him, and he put up the sword in an attempt to stop it, but it was too late. With a squelch, the spike drove through the arm and ripped it off. Pain clouded AFB's vision, as he  closed his eyes and waited for the second, fatal blow. But it didn't follow. Nearly losing consiousness, he looked around to find the Vord looking up in the sky, where a behemotic shape of a ship was moving towards the ground. Suddenly, with a low rumble, a beam of energy was shot from the forward turret, which obliderated the closest Vord. Then the ship halted it's descent for a few moments before unleashing a barrage of rockets on the field. Luckily enough, none hit AFB, as he tried to crawl towards the ship. At last, with a triumphant "thud", it landed. Just as the hangar doors were opened, the Vord returned to artillery strikes, without concern for their own on the field of battle . Despite, the explosions and debris flying in the air, some people jumped out of the hangar, and hurried towards AFB. But they still were too far. Gathering all his will, AFB slowly got up. He tried to take a step, then another, then he slowly started to run. There were thirty metres between them. Twenty. Fifteen.Ten.
     But fate had one last thing packed for AFB. When they almost reached each other, a shell exploded not one metre from him. Pain exploded all over the body as he was flung in the air and brought down with a "thump". The last thing he saw was some marine's face bending over him, shouting out his name.

     It was dark, very dark. Then, it became bright. Then darkness came back. It followed for indefinite length of time, switching at will. AFB tried to open his eyes, but nothing happened. He tried to say something, but no sound came. He couldn't move, or feel for that matter anything. Then, with a sudden click, came the sounds.
     "Test his left power dianode."
     "All systems appear to be functioning. I'm attempting to bring the coordination centre online."
     "Life-signs are distabilising. We are losing h-"
And once again, everything was shrouded in darkness.
     AFB couldn't say for how long it lasted. It could have been days, months or just a few minutes. With another click sounds came back, and he saw light. It wasn't one of those "bright" periods, it was proper, shining light. He blinked, and tried to focus. To his surprise, it was surprisingly easy. Overhead was the round, white light- emmitting lamp. He instantly remembered one just like that in sick bay on Xarzex. "How long have I been out?" pulsed a thought through the head. He tried to turn and look around. "Hmmmm. Where is everybody?"
      Just as he was about to get up, Boris, Xarzex's doctor walked in, holding something that looked a lot like a spanner. "OK, this is definetely Xarzex. But why is he holding a spanner?" though AFB and moved again.
       "Блин Горелый! You scared the hell out of me! How are you feeling?" cried Boris, holding his chest and panting.
       "Alright, I think...." said AFB, but he immedeately fell silent at the sound of his voice. It was deep, deeper, then he remembered, cold and mechanical. There was only a shadow of familiarity in it.
       "OK, great. Can you move arms or legs?"
       AFB tried to take off the white cloth over him and sit up, but he saw something that made him utter a gasp. His arm was mechanical, silver in colour, with blue diodes at the junction of the elbow, and an energy stream running through the middle. He tore off the clot and looked at himself. Then, despite doctor's attempts to sit him, he walked up to the man-high mirror and looked.
       His entire body, save for the part of the face was cybernetic, like his arm. He even moved his leg once or twice to be sure that it was himself he was looking at. Then he looked at his face. It was still half human, with his left half and mouth being organic, while the remainder was metal. Only one of his eyes was there. Instead of his other eye there aws a bright-red glowing diode.
       Boris came around and forced him to sit down. The dumbstriken look turned to concentrated as AFB tried to recall what happened to him.
       "Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" asked Boris looking in AFB's face.
       "There was a battle... I was sent down to cover the evacuation... The Vord attacked us, and I was the only one left, except for a pilot of a mech. I think he was killed... I think... I think one of them severed my arm, right?"
       "Go on, anything else?"
       "You came... I mean the Xarez. And you fired on the Vord. I crawled to you. Then I think I ran... That's all I can remember. What happened?"
       "A shell exploded near you. It was a bloody miracle you weren't torn to pieces. Necros, Nikolai, and private Fawlking carried your remains to the ship. We thought you were... um, dead. But by some greater power, no less, you were still alive, although it was a matter of seconds. Your injuries were too severe for any regeneration- you lost parts of your legs, internal organs, vocal chords, etc. The list is impressive. At that moment we froze you in a stasis pod. That bought us some time. Yet there was no solution- you were dying, slowly, but unstopablly. Then an idea hit me. Necros pulled off a daring mission and returned with a body of a Vord. I've examined it, and my assumptions were correct- they don't wear biosuits, those are their bodies, if you understand me. They are cyborgs. So after an hour of examination I was able to duplicate some of their life support systems and alter them for human physiology. We had you patched up and your life-signs stabilised. You were even clos to regaining consciousness. But it was like another battle for us,and you."
       "But not all of the technology was suitable. We've had to actually invent some of our own to replace your organs. For example your part of the brain that controlled coordination was fried, so we've had to implant a processor into your brains. Then there's your voice- your chords were critically damaged, so we've had to create mechanic ones. We couldn't just put a speaker instead of your mouth, as your stomach was still intact, and you are still using it."
       "But enough about that. I have a few tests for you to perform, we've got to check that you work properly."
       For around two hours AFB performed tasks like walking in a straight line, moving parts of the body, lifting weights, writing, jumping, even just drinking, and lots of other various tasks.
       "Well, you've performed perfectly, just like when you were less... er, metal. I can't wait to recommend this technology to the other doctors, it will save lives. Well, I suppose you'll want to leave for your quarters, and I suppose you may, but at the first sign of trouble you are to come here, is that clear?"
       "Yep, gotcha. By the way, where is everybody?"
       "They were taken care of- their injuries were not too severe for the survivors, and they got treated in their quarters."
       A terrible thought swirled in AFB's head.
       "How many did we lose?"
       "You'll know soon enough. Thomas announced that we'll be paying last respect to the dead at eight hundred hours."
       "When's that?"
       "In around two hours."
       "OK, thanks for everything, doc."
       "All in a day's work." chucled Boris, but even his cheerful mood could not mask the terror of the tragedy.
       AFB walked out of the sickbay and stood for the moment, wondering where to go first, barracks or Thomas's office. He decided on the latter. Normally filled with people the corridors were now silent, yet another reminder of the horrific incident. The few people AFB met gave him salutes, and thanked god that he "pulled through".
       Thomas was standing outside the door of his ready roo and smoked. When he saw AFB, his mouth twisted into a smile and hewaved for him to come in.
        "So, how are you? Still in one piece I see?"Asked Thomas as he shook AFB's hand.
        "Yes, or so I think. So, how bad was it?"
        And they just sat there and talked, talked about how others returned and reported that AFB was still on the surface holding the enemy off, how they battled with Horattu, how the engineer came up with a plan that let them overcharge the main energy cannon and temporarily knock out Horattu's weapons, which allowed them to surface and pick up the trops that couldn't reach transports in time, how they hid using the planet's moon as cover, and about news from the commanders who distracted the main Vord Fleet and about their withdraw, and about loads of other stuff.
        "Ok, it's almost time, we must pay our last respects to the dead. Let's go."
         They went to the main hangar, where the crew assembled. Everone came, even those who were just from the battle.

         "We are gathered today to pay our last respects to those, who fought and died for the cause of saving of human kind. They shall always be remembered for their contribution towards the common cause, despite the defeat of today."
         Thomas spoke of many things that day, and when he was done, the crew men walked up to the inner docking docking hatch and dropped bouquets of replicated flowers. Then everybody cleared the hangar, and the hatch was opened. Th flowers were thrown out into the space with the air in the hangar, and they became part of the surrounding space. They are still there, circling above the planet in clouds of nebula gases, reminding everyone the terrible price in blood that was paid.

         AFB couldn't sleep. It was not because he was not human any more, it was because thoughts were bouncing in his head. He felt that there was something thatwas ommited at the planning of the assault, something that the strategists didn't take into account. The more he thought about it, the more rerealised that. How come those cyborgs were able to communicate? He examined the corpses that were retreived, but there was no hint of mouths. Maybe, they communicate through radio signals? But that would have to mean that they would need to have something to relay them through , as the signals would be dampened on the surface. The human army used special equipment for that, but the Vord had none with them. They definetely didn't, as the scans from the ship showed, they came on foot without any equipment, not counting guns.
         Suddenly, AFB's circulatory pump began to beat faster. Relaying signals... ship... He understood that he found the missing link. The Vord were relaying signals through Horattu, and they used it's scanners to locate the human forces as they grounded. An idea started to brew up. What if ?...
         He got up and went out into the corridor. He walked fast to Thomas's office. The plan was before his eyes, he knew it would give them another chance.
         "Whats on your mind?" asked Thomas after he heard the thoughts about Vordic communications.
         "We have to take down that ship. If they lose communicartion, they'll become disorganised, cut off from reinforcements or artillery. It can work!"
         "Hate to break it to you, but we were mo match for Horattu before the battle, now they are going to pick their teeth with us. We have sustained casualties of our own, we are no match for them. And besides, what makes you think that they wouldn't recall the main fleet from pursuit? We won't last a couple of minutes against them together."
         "That's what I wanted to discuss. We have to board it."  said AFB, and Thomas burst into uncontrollable laughter.
         "Easier said than done- they'll burn our crafts to ashes and then do us."
         " Thats why we have to do it stealthily."
         " I'm all ears..."
         " Do you remember you told me about the portal transponder you were talking about earlier? You said it was very small. How small exactly?"
         Thomas looked confused for a second, but then his face slid into an understanding smile...

         " Say, I could get used to this!" cackled AFB as he opened portals from one end of the hangar bay to the other. It was easy, like opening a door. With a command of a thought, the little device on his wrist shot out a beam that drew a window in space, which you could walk through.
         "OK, it works. I must warn you though, that if you waste all your energy, you'll either have to deactivate some of your on-board systems, or power up from an energy source, otherwise you are stuck. So do not try this in space!"
         "I suppose I'll find somewhere to recharge during the mission. I just hope that their powercore is plasma-based. It makes a bigger bang."
         The bulkheads opened and an armed squad came into the hangar. The squad leader and AFB acknowledged each other before the technician brought forward the bomb.
          "I've set the timer to two minutes. Set it down and leg it, before you get caught in the blast. Oh, yeah, and one other thing- you can't teleport to or from the powercore, as there is too much interferance."
          "Instead, you'll have to teleport to their cargo hold. It is not a long way off from the powercore, but you'll have to watch for patrols. I suggest to avoid combat, as a few hits will set off the explosion."
          After a few minutes of checking, they were ready to set off.
          "Good luck, you'll definetely need it." said Thomas to the squad.
          AFB connected to the computer and scanners. He checked and cross-checked the coordinates of Horattu, otherwise he could open a portal into space by accident. Every digit he checked twice. Eventually, the results looked satisfying to him and he stood up and said:" Right boys, lets get this show on the road!"
          The beams shot out of his wrist and cut a window in space. Two marines immedeately jumped through it guns at ready. Next came a squad technician with a bomb on his back and floowing him came AFB and the rest of the squad. Feeling the portal draw on his strength, AFB waved his hand, severing the link, and the window immedeately shrunk, until it disappeared completely.

         The insides of the Vord ship were drastically different to the Xarsex, or any other Earth vessel for that matter. While on Earth vessels, the walls were covered with metallic sheets of armour which concealed the wires and circuits, the alien's were completely the opposite. Wires spread all over the walls, which were separated by small hooks, and all of this was covered by clear armour or glass so occasionally you could see energy surges racking the circuits and making the panels with strange symbols light up. Also, the human ships had lights everywhere, while the only supply of light on Hoattu came from the glowing tubes of something that looked like cooling liquid and from control panels and screens. This was quite a forbidding vista, and when they walked down the narrow room towards the only door, it made the squad feel as if they were going down the throat of some monster.
         As they exited the cargo hold, AFB took out a pocket radar and said: " Now, the scans show that the energy core room is about one and a half hundred meters down that corridor", and he pointed to the left. "I don't read any enemy movement, but be on your guard for even slightest activity." The men nodded in understanding.
          As they made their way through the corridor, more and more doors and corridors appeared from either side. But the corridor they were moving through was much wider and with a higher roof. "Looks like a helluva place to get lost in." thought AFB.
          Suddenly, one of the doors on the side opened and a massive, hulking Vord walked out. He was at least three meteres in height, his cybernetic torso glistened sharply in the dim light and his face was obscured by a metal mask, under which only his eyes could be seen. One of his arms was human-like, with five fingers, but his other arm changed at the elbow,ending in a powerful-looking gun. The encounter was a surprise for both sides, and for some second they just eyed each other, frozen. Then the first shot came from the squad leader, which was supported by the rest of the squad members. The Vord bellowed, as the torrents of plasma cut through him like toothpick through ketchup. But he nevertheless shot out his weapon arm and fired at the men. His coordination centre must have been hit though, as his shots never hit the target, and with a last groan he tumbled to his side. The men instinctievly held their fingers on the triggers, although they knew that the enemy was dead. Quickly recovering from the shock, they listened for the sound of alarm, but no such thing sounded.
            "Lets hope that the others will be as unsuspecting as this guy, or else we are screwed. Twenty five meters." said AFB looking at the radar.
            At the end of the corridor was a door. A massive door, which was as wide as the tunnel. There was no sign of an opening button or control panel, or any other such thing.
            "This is it, the reactor chamber muct be behind this door. I can't get any readings from the radar, something is blocking the signal."
            "How do we open it? We don't have the time to look for an alternate route, or we might bump into someone who isn't as slow as that guy there." asked the squad leader.
            "Relax, I have it under control." Smiled AFB wrily. He took out his energy sword, felt the tip as if to check its sharpness, and with a swift swing, he punched it right through the door, then again and again. Then he grabbed the ends of the metal sheets that were cut, and literally ripped them out, making a gaping hole in the door. "Not bad for a supposedly dead man, eh? After you." The men quickly slid through the hole, and stared at the scene in front of them.

             They were in a large room. It was cyllindrical, with a height of around fifty meters, and a diameter of hundred. In the walls, five floors were carved. There, a host of Vord hurried around, working at control panels, carrying around tasksheets and instruments, and doing other such work. They looked smaller than the brute that the squad encountered earlier, and both their hands looked normal. But the men were not looking at the aliens, they were looking at the thing in the middle of the room.
             There, a massive creature sat on the floor. Actually, if you were to look closely, it ended in the floor. It had no legs, and its stomach was then ended in a massive semi-sphere which was imbedded in the floor. It was around 10 meters tall, with white-ish maggot-like skin, which bulged under layers of fat. Its arms were mechanic, and ended in massive claws. Its head was surprisingly small compared to the body, but the mouth seemed to be able to swallow a whole man without chewing. From its back portruded a column with wires, tubes and flashing lights, which then met the roof of the room. The creature's small, pig like eyes were closed, and it seemed to be sleeping.
             "So much for a plasma based reactor core! How are we going to take that thing down ?!" whispered one of the men.
             AFB was about to answer, when alarmed shouts emanated from one of the floors. The Vord immedeately turned towards the humans, grabbing weapons from storage blocks on the wall.
             "S**t, don't just stand there, run!!!"
             The men ran towards control panels of the ground floor, using them as cover. AFB, on the other hand drew his sword, and ran towards the creature. now the Vord had to move around in order to avoid hitting the creature. But as he neared with it, it opened its eyes, opened its mouth in a deafening bellow, and shot out its arm. The hook on the end extended, and rammed AFB in the chest with such force that he flew towards the door. However, he jumped back on his feet, and was just in time to avoid another claw aimed at him. Running towards the wall, he jumped across the remaining space and landed on the third floor. Swinging the sword he decapitaded several Vord before him and continued running towards the group of them firing at the squad below. He quickly noticed, that his mechanical legs carry him much faster and he covered the distance in seconds, batting the cyborgs aside like manequins. When he looked below, he saw the technician setting down the bomb at the control panel. However, the creature seemed to be tired of trying to reach AFB, turned its attention to the humans. AFB shouted for the technician to turn around, but was too late: with a geyser of blood, technicians head was ripped off his body as the creature struck. His body fell in a heap to the floor, and wriggled for a few seconds before laying still.
              With a roar , he jumped from the third floor onto the creature, but it was faster. with another strike of its hands it sent AFB flying towards the wall, where technicians body lay.Without clear thinking, he grabbed the bomb with one hand and stated the timer. "Back to the cargo bay, will meet you either there or in hell!" he shouted to the men, who stared traumatised at the remains of their comrade.
              Turning he faced the creature, who once again shot its arm at the cyborg. But this time, AFB was ready. He slid to the side, missing hte claws, and with a grunt, pierced the mechanical limb with his sword. The floors shook as the creature roared. It pulled its hand back swiftly, but AFB held onto his sword, which was lodged in the arm. However, the forces were unequal, and he was swept off his feet, but even then he held onto the sword and the explosives. The craeture held its damaged arm above its head, and grabbed AFB's leg with another. The force of the pull caused AFB to let go of his sword, but as the monster opened its mouth with a clear intent of stuffing the man into it, he leaned out of it, and with one hand threw the explosives into it, an with another grabbed his sword. As the beast chocked and waved its arm, he sliced through it in one swipe, and landing on his feet, ran for the door.

               He ran faster than he ran before, even with his new body. Any Vord that got in the way reaceived deadly swipes of the blade, and fell never to rise again. After 10 seconds, which seemed forever for the commander, the creature let out a long, deafening shriek, which ended in the even more deafening explosion. Then, almost immedeately, he felt the jolt that ran through the whole ship, shaking walls, and causing floor to buckle in some places. With a small delay came the fire, roarin down the corridor, engulfing the dead and dying aliens. Seeing that, AFB ran even faster, trying to outrun the doom itself. It seemed forever to get to the cargo hold, but once inside,still running, he immedeately hammered in the coordinates of their ship, hoping that it is still there and that they won't be thrown into open space. The squad jumped into the rift as soon as it opened, and they were back on their own ship. In what was like fractions of a second, AFB spun around and closed the portal. After that, he fell hapless to the floor along with the rest of the squad, with an exhausted power supply, but trumphant. They succeeded. That was all that mattered.

               "Sir, we have confirmation of the enemy casualties, they are very severe. Their artillery is not responding and their ground units are running. We got them!" reported the voice from the speaker.
               "d**n well done, keep pushing them, until they have no one left to tell their friends what happened." cackled Thomas, and leaned back in his chair. Taking out a cigar, he took a long puff, and faced AFB, who was sitting opposite him.
               "This was an impossible mission, but you pulled it off. I have contacted the high command, and they were all agreed to promote you to the rank of sergeant major, and grant you your own ship. They also want to hear you and your squad about what you seen on that ship."
               "Thank you, sir."
               "Thank the fortune for its gift... or a curse, either case applies. If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do now?"
               "First, I'll have to visit the family, then, I suppose, go to the High Command and report to them on the situation. Then, get that ship that was promised; and after that, we still have a war to fight, and I intend to win it. Then, who knows? I got all the time I need..."
               "Well, its been a great time knowing you, and it is an honour having you serve with us."
               "Pleasure is all mine, sir! Permission to disembark?"
               "Granted. Good luck!"
               Giving a salute, AFB walked out of the captain's office. His own ship! AFB already thought of a name for it - Immortalis Accension. Something that will fight to the last, and laugh in the face of danger and death. And after the wr.... Who knows what he'll do?  He had all the time he needed, all the time in the world...

                                                                               THE END.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 05:03:46 PM by AFB » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 12:08:26 AM »

I just have a few questions and things to say.

1. It seems you used the time line because of the date, but the aeron didn't come to the galaxy for another 10,107 years.

2. According to the time line earth, dosen't have a major ship yard until like over 10,000 years later.

3. why are you fighting the Aeron? There the good guys.

4. If your fighting us where are the Narcothians(bad guys)

5. how are you alive back then?
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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 01:14:18 PM »

 2  2  2
I knew something wasn't right. Well, just gonna change it a bit.
Sorry, I didn't know that Aeron were the good guys, no offence?

Ok, I have rewritten some parts, is this any better?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 07:06:24 PM by AFB » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 06:40:49 PM »

It's very good I like it.  19
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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2007, 05:04:46 PM »

Yes! Finally, I finished my story. Please comment, if you liked it or not.  15
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« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2008, 09:09:53 PM »

i liked it  15 people dont comment much in this section that much anymore  2
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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2008, 01:18:51 PM »

wow... i know this is geeky but your style of writing is just like the star wars clone commando novels... i suggest u read them  1

otherwise great story

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« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 11:26:16 AM »

That reminds me, that clone wars movie is coming out....not sure if i want to see it, I heard that the drive in near me is showing it like a week after it comes out?  confused Come on, the movies they display got to be at least a month old...oh well its cheap  16
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