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Author Topic: QUIT COMPLAINING AND SWITCH IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 26775 times)
Nicholas Duo Wolfwood

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« on: January 04, 2007, 02:03:29 PM »

Ok, I'm officially pissed off

I am getting sick and tired of all you whiney boys and girls complaining about transfers from player to player.
Let me fill you all in on exactly what the Terms of Service says.

        (I) The maximum amounts of accounts per person
   You may have multiple accounts only on those circumstances:
   You do _not_ use your accounts to help one single account.
   You may _not_ finance a lower power account with a higher power one in orther to do damage to lower people using the higher account resources

This says NOTHING about the following:
  • Paying for designs - Not using the royalties
  • Bounty hits on characters
  • Paying for encounter locations
  • Assistance in recovering from attacks
  • Just plain out being nice and wanting to give a gift

Does it really make the game that much different for you? Are you afraid of competition? This game is player vs player . . Pure PVP . . . . . If you can't handle the player vs player aspect of this game then go play a different game, or find someone to be nice enough to give you credits. I wont lie. I have had people give me credits as well as I have donated but you know what? Alot of my donations go to DuoBarton(#3224) and I end up attacking lower players. Reason for that? They learn when they get annihilated. Plus its a bit of nostalgia . . Wow I got taken out by Duo . . or Wow I exchanged blows with Duo and did ok!

I try to keep the player vs player aspect to this game and I do ask for credits from people. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I dont, however I highly disagree with the new change of only 1,000,000 items per transfer. If you're going to leave that, then add alot more items that are worth more. That actually is a good idea due to the fact that the Market hasn't been changed since it was implimented
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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 03:47:03 AM »

Ok, I'm officially pissed off

I am getting sick and tired of all you whiney boys and girls complaining about transfers from player to player.
Let me fill you all in on exactly what the Terms of Service says.

        (I) The maximum amounts of accounts per person
   You may have multiple accounts only on those circumstances:
   You do _not_ use your accounts to help one single account.
   You may _not_ finance a lower power account with a higher power one in orther to do damage to lower people using the higher account resources

This says NOTHING about the following:
  • Paying for designs - Not using the royalties
  • Bounty hits on characters
  • Paying for encounter locations
  • Assistance in recovering from attacks
  • Just plain out being nice and wanting to give a gift

Does it really make the game that much different for you? Are you afraid of competition? This game is player vs player . . Pure PVP . . . . . If you can't handle the player vs player aspect of this game then go play a different game, or find someone to be nice enough to give you credits. I wont lie. I have had people give me credits as well as I have donated but you know what? Alot of my donations go to DuoBarton(#3224) and I end up attacking lower players. Reason for that? They learn when they get annihilated. Plus its a bit of nostalgia . . Wow I got taken out by Duo . . or Wow I exchanged blows with Duo and did ok!

I try to keep the player vs player aspect to this game and I do ask for credits from people. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I dont, however I highly disagree with the new change of only 1,000,000 items per transfer. If you're going to leave that, then add alot more items that are worth more. That actually is a good idea due to the fact that the Market hasn't been changed since it was implimented


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« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 03:49:02 AM »

and since i do have a newly created alt ^^

the only thing i share between them is designs and yes i do have both of them in UEA

Smee 12
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« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2007, 06:46:19 AM »

It's for the best nicholas, people were abusing it too much. There's a difference between a payment and funding, and the payments had stopped long ago, and were to the funding part, which is against the rules, so Sir Emi decided to put greater limitations on it.
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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 10:27:25 AM »

I am actually in agreement with Wolfwood on this one.

Other than that, i will add that as of now all my designs are private, until someone comes up with a way to pay me for my hard work.
I will require a payment of 2% of the total value of a single ship of whatever design you want.
ships where i can actually receive royalties in full under the current system are not included, which means that for now, i will still be available to design ships up to 5 trillion in value.

On a final note, id like to add that the market needs to be greatly overhauled, not just degraded because of a few people. Make the market more exciting, make it possible to buy and sell stuff in greater amounts than 1 million units. As it is now, its pointless to use the market for most everyone in the top 30.
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 10:32:00 AM »

a few people argus? at least 4 people in the top ten are funding others, and 1 in the top ten is recieving the funding. I noticed about 20 different, new people go flying up in ranks in hours, rather then days or weeks.

and Sir Emi said that he is working on the royalties, so I suspect her soon that they will be either back to the original 2%, or some other system in place that will be fair and give payment enough. The fact of the matter is, the market was being overly abused, and Emi stopped it. Quit complaining and get over it.

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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 11:25:03 AM »

I disagree with the new changes that have been made. The game is now nothing more than a boring day to day quest to find creds and workers by finding gt's and ep's. I wouldn't mind have a max person to person trade limit but the 1mil per trade is absolutely useless. This trade limit made the market useless to me after about the first month of the new round. You have also done major damage to the guys who are masters of design and earn their game time living off of selling these designs. As my last point during a war time battle we have no way to help our teammate recover from damage taken in the war. If something doesnt change as swiftly as it did the other day when or throats were cut by these restrictions then i will consider finding another game to play and donate to that has a real challenge. Fair is not the way of a game economy of this type. If you want fair go play "go fish" with yer sister.

Signed, Kryologic/Superscott
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 11:55:38 AM »

Kyrologic, fair means within the ToS, the "trading" via market were not within ToS at all, it was feeding, a blatent violation of Tos. Sir Emi has already stated that he is changing the royalties so that designers will get theirproper royalties somehow, but he has not stated how just yet. And you being a donator changes nothing, you have no power over this issue, as it is a total and complete violation of the ToS.

The fact of the matter is, people ARE feeding other players, they are violating the ToS, and because of THAT, sir emi put a limit on the market. His actions are the consequence of all those feeding other players. If you have a complaint, take it up with them, because this is their fault.

I agree with Emi's decision 100%, he made the right choice, as apparently people can't be trusted to stay within ToS by themselves. If you don't like it, then quit. It seems to me that the ones who do all the complaining are the donators, because Sir Emi keeps making it harder for them to get into the top ten and stay there easily. Either grow a backbone and play the game they way it is, or quit and go whine to someone else.

Just incase you somehow missed them, the points are:

1.People violated ToS, so Sir Emi changed the market to stop it
2.Sir Emi said he will change royalties so designers get what they should, but he did not say exactly how or what he will change.
3.There's no point in whining about it, even if you are a donator, because it had to be done. If it means you are unable to play anymore, then quit and shut up about it, simple as that.

Is that clear enough? or do you need it letter by letter?

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« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2007, 12:05:25 PM »

Whatever happened to earning creds and learning the game, people who reached the top did it by hard work and some admittedly by donating but the fact still remains 1 bill scanners were floating around the market that day who in their right mind considers that a legal payment for a design, if you have to rely on royalties from designs to gain power then get them to donate for you, makes more sense...

Sir Emi is dead on with this, would be nice to see people climbing the ranks without the aide of others

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« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2007, 12:14:01 PM »

Sir emi one little suggestion would be to put a cap on how much can be given in royalties for designs, obviously to match the price of the ship bought, other than that all you can do is give in to everyones design royalty demands, ( seems the current royalty isnt enough for them ) and then we watch the market abuse again
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« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2007, 12:18:26 PM »

yup that would suck not being able to refund alliance members for lost ships in times of war. something needs to be done about the royalties fast. i had just gotten my designer back and now i'm forced to stay at this power till it is fixed. it's a no win on the changes to the market on either said. it will make the game more balanced but at the same time it takes away from all the legal ways to make creds. i'm caught between 2 games right now. i also play world of warcraft and they're coming out with there expansion in 11 more days. so i have that much time to decide which game i want to devote my time too. i have given alot of encounters away in the past but never took creds for it. but i would atleast like the option to do it if i'm ever in need of creds. i like SO more than warcraft but atleast warcraft has there act together. so i may be saying my goodbyes to SO in 11 more days.
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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2007, 12:24:22 PM »

wolfy, you can still earn money legally through the market. There is no limit on trades with CHOAM, just with other players. You guys don't seem to get that.

And I've stated it several times now, Sir Emi, in the SAME THREAD as the one he announced the change in the market, announced he will fix royalties to be fair to designers, as he realizes they are now getting jipped out of proper payment. and eventual you'll be able to fund alliance mates who lost ships, though not directly or as much, as Emi stated there will be some sort of alliance secret base in the future.

And the changes to the market only hurt one legal way of making money, which is designing, as encounters shouldn't be giving trillions, or quadrillions worth of credits period, and as I stated, Sir Emi is going to fix the design royalties, so in the end, the market change helps a ton more then it hurts.

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« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2007, 12:40:02 PM »

As far as i can see everyones complaining about the ability to stop abusing the market.

Since ive been playing SO most of the changes that have been made are to improve the game, and stopping market abuse is definetly one of the better changes.

It's not about who can get into the top 10 by using the games built in way more like who can transfer the most creds. Now the time has come for those who are 2 lazy to actualy take time and earn thier place insted of sit there transfering creds. There's enuff sites out there now to aid any player in building ships. not to mention the few players who dont mind explaining ship building. So there is no excuse for the amount of transfering going on recently.

If u have to complain about it then u must of been transfering creds bout time u actualy started to play the game.

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Lord of the Post Count

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« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2007, 12:44:01 PM »

well said chicpea, well said indeed. I couldn't agree with you more, and it's nice to see I'm not the only one who agrees with Sir Emi's decision.

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« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2007, 01:29:52 PM »

lets just start dday already and have a new round where people have to earn everything they get. this round has already been messed up by people transfering creds to there alliance members to jump them in power.
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